Chapter 24: She's Mine

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Taemin stood in front of me caressing my cheek. He made me feel special, important. It was clear around us, blank. Nothing but the gentle touch from Taemin was going on.
I smiled to him as he leaned in to kiss me.
Suddenly Fans were crowding around me with paper and pens in their hands or cameras up at my face. The crowd was getting even bigger. Taemin was backing away, fast.

"Taemin! Come back!" I called out. I tried pushing through the crowd but they weren't letting me.
"Taemin!!" I call out.
"We can't date. SM idols aren't allowed to date each other." Taemin said so calmly. He waved.
"No! Taemin!" I yelled. He started to turn around, his body was slowly fading.
"Goodbye Layna" he said.
"TAEMIN! Come back!!" I call out.
Suddenly I fell down a hole. It was dark and nothing was there. Loneliness was all I could feel.
"Taemin" I cried. Suddenly Taemin popped up looking extremely mad.
"WHY DID YOU DO THIS!" He screamed and grabbed my throat.
I woke up screaming.

"Shhh It's okay" a voice said. I was pulled into someone's chest, their arms wrapped around my back. "It was just a dream it's okay" they said. The voice became more clearer, it was... Minho?

I pulled away and stared at Minho. Realising I was laying on my bed, I quickly sat up properly.
"Minho, what are you doing here?" I ask. I was in my bedroom, alone with Minho. Light was shining through my window which meant it was day time. Why is he here?

"Why were you having a nightmare about Taemin?" Minho asked back. How did he know?
"I-I w-wasn't" I stutter. Minho chuckled.
"Yeah sure you weren't. You kept saying his name" Minho laughed. "Tell me why" he added.
I didn't want to tell him, I didn't even know myself whatI was dreaming about yet. Was it from what Krystal said to me last night? I decided to just skip the question and ask him a question.

"Why are you in my room!?" I ask with a tone in my voice.
Minho laughed and messed my hair. "You're gonna be late for school" he said and hopped off my bed.
"Why are you here?" I ask as I got off my bed.
"I'm here because us guys are waiting to pick you up" Minho answered.

I nodded but my head suddenly began to ache. "Oh and when you are finished getting ready, I have medication for your hangover" Minho said and laughed. I sarcastically laughed with him.
"Get out so I can get ready" I say getting annoyed with him.
"Okay okay" Minho said and walked out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I got up and walked into my bathroom. I got undressed and turned the shower on. Once I stepped under the warm steamy water, thoughts raced through my mind.
I couldn't stop thinking about what Krystal said last night.

"it's just us SM idols aren't meant to date each other"

What does she mean by that...?

I-I'm not an idol yet anyway...

Why do I keep saying that though?

You're not a SM idol yet...

I'm not scared am I?

Scared of what?

Scared of... Of loosing Taemin. That dream really said it all.

He won't leave you

No I will have to leave him.

You wouldn't would you!?

Well If SM idols can't date each other then... We can't be together... He won't break up with me so I'll have to do it...

That sucks... I'm Sure Krystal was just joking.

Yeah maybe....

I turned off the water after washing my hair and body. I hopped out of the shower and grabbed my towel, first drying my hair then my body. I then put my new clean bra and underwear on. I walked out of my bathroom and went straight to the bag that was on the floor. It had my school clothes in it.

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