³ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

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I'm not a fan of breaching into anyone's personal life. Intruding, invading, asking— no. none of these things entice me.

I can't care any less about what had happened in someone's personal life as long as I'm getting what I'm concerned with.

But yet, despite that, at this moment when we enter this restaurant, the gazes you and the waiter exchange, certainly very unlikely of me, piques my interest.

An uncomfortable opposite of silence grows in you when you see the boy, I can tell with the way you shift your weight frequently from one leg to other and that smile — very unlikely to the ones you sprinkle against everyone's lives — which pulls against your lips.

"Y/n? Is that... you?" The ravenette beams a grin, gasping, like the emotions playing on his face weren't enough to state his shock.

    Who the hell is he? Sibling? Don't look like siblings t'me but who knows. Might be her ex.

"Yu!" Your tone is reluctant. Awkward. And if anyone couldn't, I definitely could tell you did not want to run into whoever this 'Yu' boy was. "How are you?"

"I've been good, It's been such a long while, oh my god." Yu, said boy, embraces you lightly, his eyes shut tight and a genuine smile touching his cheeks enthusiastically, one akin to that you give frequently.

"Yeah..." In a whisper's breath, you're answering with a sigh, like you're remembering. You're careful of the child in your arms, tension that previously bubbled against your face dissipating. "I missed you."

    A warm smile basks under his features as he pulls back, beaming another toothy grin at you.

"Yeah, of course, you 'missed' me." He rolls his eyes, flicking your forehead, "Didn't even bother to call me or write to me."

    You elicit a small chuckle, sheepish gaze mending with his own. From my perspective, I'm taking he hasn't noticed me or the child in your arms yet, eyes all on your face and the breathing tubes.

    "How have you been?" His voice is small, yet a smile akin to reassurance weaves on his lips. His glances on the oxygen tank on your back are sneaky, questions forming into words from them.

"Hmm... I've been doing quite good to be honest," You chuckle, "Better than ever."

    He scrunches his nose and flicks your forehead again, and you flinch. "Those tubes say otherwise." He puts his hand on your back and leads you to a table. I follow behind, awkwardly trying to be invisible.

    "I swear Yu if only I didn't have Megumi in my arms you'd be dead by now." You scowl impishly, rubbing your forehead.

    And it's only then, he takes notice of the sleeping toddler in your arms, suddenly aware of my presence.

    He glances at me as you sit. I still stand, and he just glares, like scanning every bone in my body with utter scrutiny. You follow his gaze, a small impish smile growing on your lips when you shake your head and lay Mwgumi next to you.

    I am uncomfortable.

"Stop looking at him like that Yu, you're making him uncomfortable." You say, breaking Yu of his glare as you play with now awoken Megumi.

"Yu Haibara." He extends his hand, a welcoming shadow of a grin resting still on the corners of his mouth.

    "Toji Fushiguro." I curtly nod, dismissing the handshake.

  "YU, WHAT ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE YOU'VE GOT MORE TABLE TO CATER." A guy pops his head from the backrooms, yelling at the boy when he sees him chattering with you — us.

𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲 | 𝐭𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨Where stories live. Discover now