Chapter one

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When my friends told me, that there's a party later at the beach I was excited all day long.

When I started getting ready for the Party my brother randomly stormed in. "Shelly why the hell are you getting ready now. It's already 8:30."
" I'm going to that party later. Why the hell you're freaking out 'bout that!?" I glanced at him, while curling my hair. After a little more arguing with him he said, and I Quote ' if you're going to that damn party, I'm gonna come with ya got that'. So guess who's going to a party with her new babysitter, yeahhh...

However. I finished getting ready. I had literally THE cutest outfit. It was a spaghetti Navi blue dress. It look just great.

I got my keys and went straight for my car, when someone grabbed my wrist. When I turned around my brother glanced at me. " Hey. Didn't I say I'll come with ya. So gimme that key, I'll drive!" he told me and I could already tell that by his face, that if I'd say anything he'd freak out. So I just listens to him, gave him the keys to my car and went for the passengers seat.

As we arrived everyone was already drunk and dancing.
I got out of my car and luckily Topper and Kelce, Rafe's best friends came immediately walked over to us. I used that Chance and walked away so Rafe wouldn't ruin this night for me.

I walked right over to the campfire and could already see some of my friends. As I walked there I had to go passed some of the Pogues.

I could here some of them talk about me, when I felt something on my shoulder. I turned around already knowing that it's gonna be Rafe. But i was wrong. When I turned around I wasn't looking at my brother, it wasn't even a kook.

It was JJ. JJ Maybank. I don't really know him, I have just seen him surfing a couple times. Have to admit it was really impressive. But we have never spoken to each other before, well at least I can't remember.

" Hey. Um... you're names Shelly right? I'm JJ. I know we have never spoken before but umm can I maybe interest you in a beer?" He asked me. I was kinda overwhelmed with that situation. If I'm truly honest, when I was younger I had a major crush on JJ, but I was always to shy to speak to him. I just shrugged and said yes.

When we walked over to his friends he put his arm around my shoulder. And there they are again. Butterflies, in my stomach.

Before we sat down he grabbed two beer for us.
I sat down in front of the campfire. JJ sat down right beside me and gave me that beer. Well usually I don't drink, but it's just for once so why not. I looked at his friends when I came to one I know.

Kiara, or as almost everyone calls her Kie. We where best friends until 10th grade. It was the biggest fight I ever had and since then we never spoke again.

She glanced at me. Then at JJ.

"What the hell JJ. Why do you bring her here!?" She screamed at him. "Why not I mean she seams nice and you two should start sorting things out."

I looked over at Kie. " Um Kie, can we maybe talk for a second?" She rolled her eyes but got up as I did.

I really wanted to sort things out. I mean I kinda miss her as my best friend.

JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now