Chapter two

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Kiara and I got up. We walked over to where nobody was, without saying a word. I sat down on a log. So did she. We looked at the water for some time until Kie said something.

"Why'd you do that?" she asked me, still looking at the water. "What do you mean?". "Why did you dump on me? You're birthday. Everyone, like literally everyone was invited but me. I mean we where best friend, wheren' t we?" I fehlt tears forming in my eyes.

We looked each other in the eyes. " You liked me" I said quiet. "Wow. Really wow. That's everything. Just because I liked you you ruined our friendship?!" She asked me in a high pitched voice.

"I know how stupid that must sound to you. But when people start to like me... I get kinda nervous and then I dump on them. See I'm really, really sorry for what I did and I regret it so frickn' much. Do you maybe see a chance how I could make that up to you? I really miss you" I looked down at my hands. I really had to fight to keep my tears from rolling down my cheek.

When I looked up again I could see a little smile grow on her face when she hugged me.

"I missed you too. But never and I mean never dump on me again!" we both started laughing with tears in our eyes.

I was so happy having my best friend back. As we sorted things out we went back to the campfire.

I know that was a really short chapter but the next one is definitely gonna be longer again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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