Chapter 2

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Clarkle woke up excited on Saturday morning because tonight she was going to see one of her favourite artists on stage. She could barely focus on any homework but her mom occasionally checked up on her to make sure she was working and not fooling around. Abby had high expectations of her daughter. Ever since her brother died Clarkle was all that Abby had, her strength, her little girl. She had raised Clarkle to be strong, but that did not come without struggle.

"Clarkle..?" Abby knocked on her door.
"Someone is here for you, come down for a minute."

"Who on earth.." Clarkle climbed down the stairs and saw Fin standing on her door step, with an all too familiar quirky smile.

"Morning, princess."

"Uh, good morning Fin. What brings you here?"

"I..I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the concert together. I could borrow my dad's car and take us."

"Oh. That sounds nice. Mom, is it okay if Fin takes me to the concert tonight?"

Clarkle shouted at her mother who was in the kitchen. After a few minutes Abigail showed up at the door, wiping her hands with a cloth.

"Well, as long as Fin promises to bring you back safe and sound then I see no issue."

"Thanks, Mrs Griffin. Clarkle is in good hands. Is 6pm good?"

"Yeah, sounds good. If we get there early we might be able to get in front!"


Around 5pm Clarkle picked out a short crop top of the band Nirvana and then short jeans, did some light make up and combed her fingers through her hair to make it look presentable. She headed downstairs where Fin was already waiting in the car. She kissed her mom goodbye and dashed through the door.

"Hey there, beautiful. Are you ready?"

"I can't wait! I'm literally so happy I might burst into tears when I see her."


"Yes,duh! I've been a fan for years."

"Alright then, off we go. Halsey we are coming for you."

At the concert space Clarkle and Fin met a group of friends which included Octavia, her boyfriend and some gang members. They were lucky enough to find a spot in the front of the stage and waited as some artists showed up to entertain the crowd before the big act. Around 8pm the artist everyone had been waiting for finally showed up and the crowds went crazy. Halsey performed some of her most popular songs and Clarkle knew all of them. Octavia approached Clarkle from the back and wrapped her arms around her waist, while singing over of their favourite songs. Clarkle felt tired but it didn't matter as long as Halsey was on the stage. At some point, Clarkle felt a pair on eyes on her and she turned her head slightly scanning the crowd. She finally noticed Lexa was there too, and the brunette was watching her dance this whole time.

Clarke's POV

Did Lexa just witness me fangirling over Halsey? That must have been so embarrassing. Her boyfriend is chatting with some other guys and I almost feel like I want to go and talk to her, she looks lonely. Just when I lock my eyes with hers, she smiles at me. I smile back, without even noticing. Just then I noticed how she's squeezing through the crowd and heading my direction.

"I didn't take you for a Halsey fan." The blonde said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" The brunette had to reach up to the girl's ear because of the loud crowd and her voice tickled her ear.

"I mean I wasn't expecting to see you here. Especially with Murphy. He doesn't look like a Halsey fan."

"Oh, my boyfriend tagged along just because of his friends. He doesn't really listen to any of her music. But I do.."

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