Chapter 8

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A faint glimpse of light entered the room and Clarkle cracked open her swollen eyes looking around in question of where she was and wondered how she got there. Then she spotted the brunette sleeping on the floor, and realized where exactly she was but she couldn't recollect much about last night. She felt a slight shiver when her limbs moved around the cold sheets and also realized she wasn't wearing many clothes. She wanted to ask for some but Lexa was still asleep and she didn't want to wake her. She laid there quietly for at least an hour when finally the brunette seemed to get out of her slumber.

"Was it uncomfortable?"

"What was?" The brunette mumbled half asleep while slightly stretching her limbs out that were sore from sleeping on the floor.

"Sleeping on the concrete floor because of me."

"Let's just say you owe me big time, Griffin." Lexa let out a groan that sounded almost like a whine as she felt a crack in her back when she tried to slowly stand up.

Clarkle was now sitting on the bed, clutching the sheets close to her chest and Lexa could tell the girl felt uncomfortable to reveal her almost bare body that was hiding underneath. Guess she was not so confident in her sober state.

"Come on, I'll get you some clothes so you can go back home and suprise your mother."

"Awe you're not treating me to breakfast? Shame." The blonde said sarcastically expecting Lexa to laugh but the brunette almost glared at her all the way across the room.

"Or I can let you roam the streets naked, it's your choice."

Lexa found a grey warm sweater and a pair of shorts and tossed them to the blonde who nearly missed them. Then she headed to the bathroom to wash her teeth. When Clarkle was left alone she quickly jumped out of bed and put the clothes on, feeling the warm fuzzy sweater bringing her the warmth she needed. After that she decided it was time to go, and if she'd left now she wouldn't need Lexa to give her another ride with her bike, because that's gotten her into enough trouble already. She opened the door as quietly as she could and walked down the narrow dark hall, when she heard a light beeping noise from the living room. She stopped in her tracks and took a peak inside the living room, her forehead almost drenching in cold sweat after what she had seen. There was a man, connected to all those machines laying on a bed, and just then she remembered that was Lexa's father who was in the coma from the accident.

Lexa seriously had to live with looking at her father everyday but not being able to look into his eyes, talk to him or even ask for a hug. That must have been difficult. That explains why she's always got that melancholic face every time I see her, and even when she smiles I doubt it's genuine half of the time. Suddenly I felt a hand propping my back and pushing me away and I almost jolted with fear.

"I didn't want you to see this first thing in the morning. Now, go." Lexa whispered quietly and made Clarkle walk away from the doorway.

"Darn it, you scared me. It's fine I really don't mind it, I've been around hospitals a lot.."

"I don't let visitors get near him." The brunette said boldly as she picked up her keys and opened the door for them letting Clarkle walk out first.

"Look, I can just walk home we live two blocks away I will be fine."

"Oh, I know. I was just going to get some coffee for myself I'm not driving you home."

Clarkle nearly blushed from embarrassment as she had assumed Lexa was getting on her bike for her. She simply nodded and started walking to a different direction as she heard the engine grumbling and Lexa driving off. She glanced back for only just a moment to catch a glimpse of her and remembered just then that she forgot to say thank you.

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