I need you ~eo~

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Eliza aged- 14

Eliza's POV:

Mom has been working late nights a lot lately. I've not seen much of her, usually I'd be used to that and make up for the time we had lost on the weekend but...

But I've just been struggling so much lately. I can't explain it.

I just hate this lonely feeling, this feeling of endless sadness. The only person that really helps it go away is my mama, and she's not here. My dad is also helpful, I'm just not as comfortable with talking to him as I am my mom.

It's 1am, dad is fast asleep, snoring his ass off like always. I'm laid on my stomach, staring at my phone screen. Just waiting for a message off my mom.

I just wait for her to text to me goodnight or even ask me if I'm okay. I just need someone to talk too. Nights are always the worst in this state.

I wait another minute until my impatience gets the better of me. I'm going to call her. Surely she won't mind, right? I mean, she's my mom and told me I can call her if I ever need her.

And I really do need her.

I click on mama's contact and call her. It rings a few times until somebody picks up the phone, somebody that isn't my mama.

"Hey Eliza. Your mom is still filming at the minute, when she's done I can tell her you called though." I hear a familiar man's voice tell me, but it's too late at night for me to identify who it is.

I just close my eyes and bite my lip, straining so hard to hold my tears back. I just can't though. I start crying and accidentally let out a loud sob, suddenly covering my mouth after I realise who ever is at the other end of the phone probably heard it.

"El? You okay?" They ask me.

I try to pull myself together. "Yeah, sorry." I try sound put together, but my voice cracks and I hit my head into the pillow in frustration.

"I'll go get your mom." Is all I hear before I hide my head in my pillow again and begin to sob harder.

It doesn't make sense to most people, but it certainly does to me. This pain, this sorrow, I can feel it in my chest. I can feel it in my body. Nobody actually understands how much pain I am in.

I do talk to people about it, but I only tell them the bare minimum. Everything I feel can't seem to be put into words, mostly because none of it makes sense.

But that's nobody's fault but my own. I do this to myself.

"Eliza it's okay, I'm here, mama's here." I suddenly hear and I quickly pull my head out of my pillow, wiping my nose and holding the phone close.

"Come home mama, come home, I need you!" I plead.

"Okay, okay. I'm coming. Can you go to your dad for me?" She asks and I hear her start to pack her bag.

"He's sleeping mama. I don't want him though! I want you!"

"I know baby, I know! You just need to be with somebody, that's all." She explains.

I shake my head tossing my phone to the side and tucking my knees up to my chest, hiding my head in them. My legs shake, my breath is erratic and my heart is pounding.

I twang my bobble against my wrist as I try to calm myself. I know people think I'm strange for my actions.

The times I've walked through the school hallways crying my eyes out, being watched by all the students with judgment. The times I spent in the hospital, feeling like I was being judged for causing myself harm. I can't expect this all to change until I change myself.

I just want this all to end.

My dad walks in and I stare at him as he approaches me quickly. "Go away! Go away!" I cry as I scramble back on my bed.

He just grabs me gently and holds my tightly in his clutch, despite my efforts to fight back. The front door swings open downstairs and I hear footsteps dash upstairs.

My heart suddenly calms as soon as I meet eyes with my mom. Dad loosens his clutch on me and kisses my head before I leap out of his arms and into my mom's.

I let her cradle me and I hide my head into her chest as she rocks me slowly, almost like I'm a baby.

She sits down eventually on my bed and I hear her and dad talk quietly to each other.

Mom takes my head out of her chest after a little bit, and she just looks down at me with nothing but love. No judgement, no embarrassment, just love.

Why would I ever want to leave somebody who loves me this much? I just can't. I sit up, looking between her and dad. "I'm so sorry." Is all I say.

I could say a lot more, but I think they already know. Mom just shushes me softly and hands me water and a pill. I take the pill and drink the water.

I know what the pill is, it's a sleeping pill. A sleeping pill to calm me down and make me fall asleep without my thoughts racing all at once causing me to stay awake.

I feel myself be carried into their room and I'm placed next to my dad. The room is dark and cool, but not too cool, it's a comforting cool.

My face feels sticky from tears, but dad uses one of mom's 'sacred' wipes to clean my face and I thank him. He just nods in return, placing another kiss on my head.

I watch the figure of my mom change into her pyjamas in the darkness. She ties her hair up, then walks over and climbs in at the other side of me. I sigh contently, sinking beneath the covers.

This is my comfort spot. Just being between the people who love and care for me the most. I close my eyes, letting sleep take over me.

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