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Mars grabbed the book. "We are now reading sixteenth year incoming."

Livia had not truly seen Jason in months.

"What happened to me," Jason muttered.

Quests were pulling them and their friends apart as the Legion prepped for war. They all started spending so much time in the Senate House that Livia made herself a pallet to sleep at in between missions.

The Legionnaires sat ramrod straight.

Not that it mattered. No one wanted to be near the cousins..... As much as Jason tried to control it, he was continuously letting off small sparks as the stress climbed higher.

Jason and Livia shuddered, remembering how it felt at the beginning of everything.

He was sometimes levitating in the air unconsciously. Ever since Typhon had been released, King Jupiter had been calling all of his power to himself and that included the power he gave to his son.

Jason winced, rubbing at his arms absently while his Father mumbled an apology under his lips.

"Typhon has been released," the Olympians muttered fearfully. They all remembered the terrifying giant. They could do nothing more than give Zeus and Hermes looks of respect for the former being the one to beat him and the latter swallowing his fear to return to help his Father.

Livia could barely walk at times and was dealing with spells of dehydration.

Salacia and Neptune held onto her tightly.

It was almost dangerous to send them out on quests.... the gods did their best to push Typhon back and battle his monstrous children that were escaping tartarus.

They were in a meeting for a recap of the previous week missions.... Livia had three gallons of salt water sitting in front of her as she rubbed some pearl cream into her skin to keep it from drying.

Livia winced.

Pranjal was watching her from across the room after she had come back from a summer at sea. When she came back from a summer of war at sea. She had injuries atop of injuries, but she became a war veteran below and above sea level.

Livia gaped.  "You allowed me to do battle?"

Her Father sat at her side just as appalled.

"Were we that short on hands," Salacia muttered, sharing a look with Amphitrite. They'd have prioritized more training for the army.

Her nightmares were filled with chasing streams where Typhon took each step pulling at his legs alongside the river gods and naiads in a bid to slow him. ... . Her nightmares were filled with his monstrous face and she had taken to sleeping under the lake to avoid sinking camp.

A shudder rushed through her. Livia did not have dreams and she was not liking the implication that she were to have more.

She looked around taking note of Augustus and Octavian on the other side of the room. After they won the war (because they had to win. There were no other options.),

Everyone in the room nodded their heads sharply whether they be gods, dryards, satyrs, demigods, or mortals. For the sake of the world, they had to win.

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