Chapter 4

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We get on the jet and a few moments after take off, I take the opportunity to stand up. I head to the back to make some coffee and refill my cup from this morning.

I can hear chatter from the other side of the curtain but I don't really bother listening.

Until someone enters. JJ.

"Hi" she says, as she starts to make something for herself next to me on the tiny counter

"Hi. How are you?" I ask

"Good, how are you?" she asks

"Also good" I answer

"Great. Gianna, I would appreciate if we didn't mention our meeting last year" she suggests

"I wouldn't" I reassure her

"Thank you".

I nod and I smile sympathetically.

I had met JJ in Afghanistan during an operation to capture a terrorist. I was used to such intense operations but she was just a liaison then and she went through enough traumatic experiences during her time there. As good as she is at her job, she didn't deserve what happened.

The curtain opens again and he enters. Goosebumps cover my entire body.

"Quinn, I just emailed you the paper for your supervisor" he explains.

I take my phone out and I read it quickly. It is to justify the reason I am with the BAU right now.

'Research purposes'.

"Thanks, I will get a closer look later and sent it out to him" I reply.

JJ is done from the kitchen, so she walks out of the small space and goes back to her seat. It is just the two of us now and no one is moving.

"Is there something else I can help you with, sir?" I ask.

He smiles and crosses his hands in front of his chest. The fabric around his biceps stretches and I can't help but notice.

"You will behave today, won't you Gianna?" he asks, taking a step closer.

But the room is so small, there are hardly a few inches between us. His whiskey eyes are staring down at me. His scent is all over me. And his clean suit...

My heart is racing and I try to keep my breathing under control in order not to show it. I can already feel my hard nipples against the patting of my bra and the heartbeat between my legs.

"And what if I don't behave?" I tease

"Then we'll have to come up with a punishment" he answers, leaning one more inch closer.

I chuckle and I step closer as well, not letting him intimidate me.

"One thing you should know about me Hotchner; I don't like getting bossed" I say.

He chuckles.

"I believe you had a different opinion last night when you got into my car" he reminds me

"Alright. Let me make this clearer; I don't get bossed around at work. Understood?"

"We'll see..." he replies.

I take my coffee and I walk back to my seat on the table. Of course, I didn't make it there without a glare from Dave.

Hotchner comes out too and suddenly decides to sit next to me on the table. Elbows bump into each other as we reach for files. Thighs touch under the table.

Heartbeat between my legs again.
Fuck you, Hotchner.

The screen in front of us lights up and Garcia appears. "I am ready when you are, sir" she says

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