The journey thing

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My Harry.

The pretty boy with the green eyes and curly hair had come to pick me up. We had been friends for years and, in all our years of friendship, if any of my friends could ever get it would be him.

We had moments when we got close and then apart, as we grew into ourselves, but I always kept a soft spot for him. I'd think about him every now and then. Wondering what he was doing, what was going on in his life and what challenges he had faced.

When Louis told me he was the one picking me up, I was even more excited.

"Sorry, Lou..." I said, covering my ear as I waited for the signal to turn. "Couldn't hear you. A bloody ambulance ran by. What?"

"I can't pick you up, Zed!" He repeated. "Turns out Liam booked the house from Thursday to Sunday, and they are all picking me up after work."

I had to admit, I felt a little bit left out.

"Oh, that's unfortunate. I'm sorry, I could only get a ticket on Friday."

"It's okay. I've got the solution." He announced with pride in his voice. "Harry can pick you up."

The light turned green, but I didn't move despite the people around me doing so.


"Oh?" I asked as my legs began to move. "Is he...okay with that?"

"Sure, I just got out of talking to him. He'll be there. Are you packed?"


"Good. We'll see you Friday."


We ended the call, and I had a smile on my face. I was going to see Harry again. I felt like a little boy excited for Christmas.

I didn't mean to grow distant. I'm just terrible at communicating with those I care dearly. I always assume they will always be there, taking their presence for granted.

I had a smile on my face all through the rest of the week, bubbling with excitement. When I took the cab to the airport on that Friday, I couldn't contain myself. I was going home, so I could visit my family, my friends and...see Harry again.

I'm not going to go as far as to say it was a crush. Maybe it was. Or some affection which I dared not to give name, but he made butterflies flap about in my stomach sometimes. He was sweet. I cared for him.

He was like a light at the end of a tunnel. I couldn't explain. I just liked having him around and close to me.

I hopped on the aeroplane and was ecstatic. I took a quick nap mid-air and dreamt of him - I don't know why. Our goodbye had been so dry and distant. He barely said a word, nor did he hug me goodbye. It hurt a little bit. I couldn't understand.

Would he be glad to see me? Would he find me odd with this long hair? Was I too fat now?

I was trying not to look too excited, to look cool and collected, but I was...happy.

When the plane landed I couldn't leave that metal can fast enough. I tried to be patient, to respect the timing of things, but bloody hell I want to see him.

I came down the steps and hopped into the bus that took us to the terminal. I went through security where I got my passport stamped and then to baggage claim. I only had a backpack and a suitcase, but it seemed that it took forever to spot them in the middle of all the chaos.

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