The relationship thing

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Never in all my years would I think of sharing my single flat with someone so soon. I always thought that my future partner - whomever they might be - might've ended up outside of London. Years into the future, when I'm grey and old, we'd settled in a big house, away from everyone. A loving, warm, and quiet home where we'd raise our children, and have a nice backyard and a simple life.

It was a pretty dream.

I never thought I would be sharing my flat with my new boyfriend and friend of years. That was not on my bingo card. My affection towards Zayn lasted years, it has been consistent and unmoving, but not enough for me to imagine an with him at my side. That seemed too far-fetched! Too unreal. And because that possibility seemed so unreal, I couldn't think about it in fear of destroying a dream so sensible. I spent my time loving him and adoring him at a distance. Understanding my place as his friend, never as nothing more than that.

But things had changed. Oh, and how they had changed!

He was mine now. He called when I answered. He slept next to me. He was...completely mine. I still couldn't believe it. I'd still jump whenever I walked into a room and Zayn was there. I'd reach for him while I slept, in fear that he wasn't real. When I left the house I made sure to tell him how much I loved him and how much I wanted him, just so that, if it was indeed a dream, at least I got it out of my chest.

Now, he was living with me! His clothes were next to mine, his shoes by the door and his snacks in my cupboard. His notebooks on the nightstand, in the untidiest fashion. His scent was on my sheets and pillow. We had a routine: I'd leave in the morning to work, leaving Zayn in bed. I'd do my eight hours at the office with calls and projects, then I'd come home and he wouldn't be there. He'd leave a note saying he had gone to the studio, and would be coming home late, but had already thought of dinner. He'd leave it already done for me. My job was to just wait for him to come home.

Around midnight - 01h00 am the door would open, and soon enough I would feel him at my side, holding me tight. Sometimes we'd briefly share what our day was like in the darkness before I drifted off to sleep; Other times he was missing me and wanted me. Even if I said I was tired, all it took was one kiss and I'd be his.

To say we were in love was an understatement. At every opportunity, we'd talk, hold one another or kiss. I loved to kiss him. Sure, I was clingy and did a little bit of love bombing, but Zayn never turned me away. He would smile, caress me, and allow my adoration to go all over him. We would watch series and movies on the sofa with popcorn - he had the annoying habit of commenting when he didn't like the show. Talked too much. Made jokes to distract from the boredom. However, when he loved a show, he would zoom in and take in every detail of it. Sitting completely still watching the TV. Biting his nails or holding my hand extra tight in a scene of tension. I let him do it.

In the bedroom it was bliss. We were a perfect match between the sheets. I was so his, his name was all over me. We tried switching once, with me going into him and it was just as good. I held him from the back, going into him, seeing his body move from behind. The sounds Zayn made because of me, made me go insane. We switched so I could see his face as I fucked him good and I grew to love him surrendering to me. I was so into giving him the ultimate pleasure, that I completely forgot I hadn't orgasmed.

Zayn made sure I did, though.

We were in a bubble of our own and that was beautiful.

Our people accepted us. They loved being with us. After the wedding was done, with Louis out in Mexico with Eleanor posting his best life, the two of us and the other two boys with their girlfriends met for dinner. We went over the wedding, talking about gossip and who slept with who or who was too drunk. We met Liam's new girlfriend, she was funny and interesting. Zayn was very cordial, asking the right questions and making sure she was comfortable between a group of close-knit friends. I couldn't love him more.

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