Chapter 20 - Our Final Farewell

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Everyone: "~~Gather up all of the crew! It's time to ship out Bink's Brew! Sea wind blows, to where?! Who knows?! The waves will be our guide! O'er across the ocean's tide! Rays of sunshine far and wide! Birds, they sing of cheerful thing's in circles passing by!~~"

Brook: "Hey Gwen, play with us."

Gwen: "Really?"

Yorki: "Yeah, show us what you've learned."

I smiled as I was leant a violin and began singing and playing with them.

Everyone: "~~Bid farewell to Weaver's town! Say so long to port renowned! Sing a song, it won't be long before we're casting off!~~"

I messed up a few times, but I had Brook and the others to back me up.

Everyone: "~~Cross the gold and silver seas! The salty spray puts us at ease! Day and night, to our delight, the voyage never ends!~~"

Several months passed while the crew repaired the ship. Every day was full of fun and excitement, ready to set off on our Grand Line adventure. Until one late afternoon, I was looking for Captain Yorki...

Gwen: "Arito, where's the captain?"

Arito: "I saw him go into the lighthouse not long ago."

Gwen: "Okay."

I jumped down from the figure head and skipped toward the lighthouse.

Arito: "Wait Pip, you shouldn't- WAH!"

Gwen: "Don't fall~!"

Arito: "Aw, damn it..."

Gwen: "Captain?"

I walked into the lighthouse where I could just about hear him and Crocus talking.

Gwen: "Hmm..."

I crept in far enough to make out what they were saying.

Crocus: "I know something's been on your mind, Yorki, just say it."

Yorki: "*sigh* Alright... Crocus... could you take care of Gwen and Laboon for us?"

I covered my mouth before I could gasp.

Yorki: "You've been so hospitable to us and we consider you a friend, so I hate to ask this of you. But the Grand Line is too dangerous for them. Laboon's just a baby and if we lose him to a sea king... We wouldn't be able to live with ourselves... And then Gwen..."

My whole body was shaking as I was trying not to cry.

Yorki: "She may be older than she looks, but she's still a child. I ask you from the bottom of my heart, please... take care of our kids while we're gone."

Crocus: "You can count on me, friend. Just promise you'll return safe, one way or another."

Yorki: "Of course. We'll leave tomorrow. Thank you again."

Crocus: "You're going to say goodbye, right?"

Yorki: "Yes... We've tried to sneak off before and... We won't make that mistake again."

Arito must have seen me run out of the lighthouse, a look of betrayal on my face.

Arito: "Aw no no no no... Not like this, Pipper... Hey, Brook! We got a situation!"

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