Chapter 11 - In a Small Package

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Every week, we have what we call a Skill Build Day, or training day. It's designed to give us a good chance at honing our fighting skills and strength. Or at the very least, get some good exercise in. I was practicing my sword on the rigging when I heard some commotion on the other side of the ship.

"Owowowowow! Captain, stop it!"

Gwen: "Huh...?"

I turned to see two of our crew suspended from the yardarm by their ankles.

Gwen: "What the hell...?"

I guess I was too entranced in my practice to have noticed anything. I walked up to Brook and took his hand.

Gwen: "Brook, what's captain doing to them?"

Brook: "Hmm... you know how naughty kids get put in 'time out'?"

Gwen: "Yeah...?"

Brook: "Well...this is Captain Yorki's version of... 'time out'."

Everyone else was snickering at them as we watched.

"Let me down, this is embarrassing! At least not in front of Gwen!"

Yorki: "Don't look at her, look at me!"

"Come on! Why're you punishing me too?!"

Yorki: "Cause I don't want you two fighting over every little thing!"

"It's not some little thing! This lunatic almost hit me with a stray bullet! I could'a died!"

Yorki: "Yeah well, you didn't, okay! And he said he was sorry! What's done is done. No point in going on about it now."

They growled and stuck their tongues out at each other. I flinched as captain hit them.

"AHW! That hurt!"

Yorki: "Good! Proves you're alive!"

Everyone laughed.

"Alright, fair enough..."

I looked up to see Brook smile with relief and a giggled escaped me as everything seemed okay now.

Brook: "Go on back to your training now."

Gwen: "Heh, okay."

Yorki: "Promise to behave if I let you two monkeys down?"

"Yes, captain..."

He then whispered specifically so I couldn't hear.

Yorki: "Today's a big day for Gwen, so no more incidents. From anyone."

Crew: "Aye, captain."

They looked back to see me standing on the edge, showing off what I've learned to Laboon.

Brook: "Now, Daisu."

Daisu: "Got it...

Gwen: "Hm? Okay!"

I jumped down to join him. Daisu looks up to Brook as a swordsman and has been working on his own skills. So we often train together. The twins and I have become close through that, and they gave me the nickname 'Pip'.

Yorki: "Daisu!"

Daisu: "Hm?"

He tossed him a wooden sword like mine.

Yorki: "No slicing our girl, okay."

Daisu: "Oh right, heh."

I laughed and raised my sword in a fighting stance.

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