chapter 1

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Hey there! My name is Tris Preior, I am 17 years I have an elder brother- Caleb he is annoying and smart but I love him anyway he is also overprotective over me and can be badass when he wants, I have an amazing boyfriend his name is Four- or Tobias, but only I am allowed to call him that, two idiot cousins- Zeke and Uriah Pedrad- aka twiddle Di and twiddle Dumb, Zeke is like an elder brother to me and Uriah is like a twin, I have four amazing best friends- Christina, Marlene, Shauna and Lynn, they each have boyfriends that are also part of our Crew, Chris is dating Will, Shauna is dating Zeke- I have no idea how she tolerates him, Marlene is dating Uriah- and again I have no idea how she tolerates him, and Lynn is dating Peter- we never really got along with him but after they started dating he became nicer so we all started hanging out together.

None of us are normal we are what's called Divergents, Divergents are a special race of super humans, we are a concealed part of society, not many humans know about our kind and those who know can't tell anyone for we can't reveal ourselves because if we do humans might hunt us down out of fear and it would destroy the natural order of things.

Our kind was created along with the making of this world by god, along with Adam and Eve, we are creatures of nature and we were made to keep the natural order of things, each one of us has a special power and we each belong to some part of our society that is destined for us, we are born with the mark of our destined faction on our hand right between the forefinger and thumb, our powers has nothing to do with the faction we are in but rather with our personality and job in our society, every faction has some human population that belongs to them- acts and looks like them.

There are seven factions the first one belongs to the ones who are born to keep the balance of happiness and darkness, those are the Amity, they are cheery and happy but they can be very harmful if you try to hurt one of them, they believe in unity and forgiveness and they think that all of the problems in the world start with hate and  lack of love and unity, the humans that belong to them are the chefs and hippies- cheesy I know, but what can we do that's what the universe created to make balance- hippies, the chefs are because they make sweets and food which also some sort of comfort and happiness.

Then there are the ones who believe in justice they believe that without that the world would've been destroyed, they love honesty and equality and blame all wrongness on those that don't enforce those, the people that belong to their region are the judges at courts, lawyers, and believe it or not even feminists and others who support equal rights like gays and such...

Then there are the Erudite, they believe in knowledge, they believe that a man must know as much as he can and never give up on studies, they blame people's stupidity to see beyond materialistic stuff, like land, money and belongings, the people who belong to them are... Can you guess it? That's right, scientists, engineers, businessmen, doctors and such...

Then comes the Abnegation they resent selfishness that believe that that is the cause of wars, hunger and poverty, they believe that every person needs to give a bit of himself, even if he has little and give to others, they believe that people should be satisfied with what they have and never envy if someone has more, but encourage him his best and support him, the people that represent them are those who make charity funds, shelter homes, donate money and more, with them someone can be a part of Erudite and also have Abnegation traits for they believe that every person can do a little for the greater good.

After them comes the dauntless, the dauntless believe that cowardice is the reason of problems, people are scared so they do stupid and irrational things, they believe that people should overcome their fears and not let them shut them down, they believe that you should face your enemies and not cowered behind others, they believe that if you have a problem with someone or something you should go ahead and say it, right in their faces, they believe that guns are effective weapons but should not be used for taking lives especially with out just reason, the people that represent them are cops, firemen and soldiers.

Afterwards comes the factionless, they don't care about anything, they have given up on themselves, they are the ones corrupting the world, they maintain a large amount of people, their believes are built on do what ever it takes to survive, the people that represent them are corrupted system people, druggies, killers, rapers and everything in this category.

Finally there is us, the divergents we are special, we don't blme a thing on anyone, we are just watching, of course we have opinions, we don't have parellels in the human there aren't many of us and we are considered royalty to our kind, the current king and queen are my parents, the throne is passed down from mother to daughter and the daughter chooses who to marry and he shall be her king.

Our factions don't have different districts for our matings don't go according to faction but according to soul, so all factions  mm eave where ever they want.

Another thing you need to know about our kind is that we are immortals, we live forever and we have mates that we find at the age of 16 when we are finally recognized as a respectful part of our factions, the only one who are born to the faction they were growing up to are us, the Divergents, as royals we are always mated to divergents and we are never able to move into the faction from another faction, but we are able to be destines for a different faction,because this is what nature wanted.

We live in a city called diviso which is in Italy, this is where our main castle is and where I will rule someday along side my husband and mate

And that is what we are, Divergents!

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