Chapter Thirty-Four

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The marriage of the three aspects, merging with the original incited suffering, and the pain of lost memories coming forth exploded through Tatum's mind. All she'd needed to do was ask Edan for the reunion and it obeyed, sending waves of heat coursing through her. The forgotten times, the unremarkable times, the heart-broken moments, and stolen, passionate ages moved to the forefront of her thoughts, causing an ache to pulsate behind her eyes, and she dropped to her knees, reliving the past alongside the other forms of herself.

So many tears shed, and moments of bliss, so many situations laced in bittersweet periods raced through her mind and she felt as if she were living those moments over again. As if they were happening right then. She was Lilith, losing her children, she was Amelia, marrying in the park. She was Lady Beth tending to her younger siblings, and she was Tatum, begging to be noticed. The lives led conglomerated and melded becoming one long life cycle and when it was all over, and the recollections eased, she lay on the cavern floor, covered in sweat, listening to the familiar lullaby of the dripping waters echoing from some place deeper inside the cave.

The air felt warmer on her cold flesh; the light wavering above her brighter, and with a renewed strength she rolled onto her stomach and pushed up with her hands, forcing herself to her feet to face what was next. The wind beyond the cave howled, and the spirit whispered, its voice barely heard above the whistles.

"I'm growing weak, child. Too weak to help for much longer. Win this, or we all lose."

Tatum exhaled, eyeing the doorway of the cave, knowing where she was to go but uncertain if she was strong enough to win the upcoming battle. She and the witch had never met before even though the original knew of her. She knew what she must do to bring her down, but couldn't be certain she had the power to make it happen. But the chance, her only certainty, lived deep in the forest, and only the spirit had the means to make it happen.

"I have only one last wish I need to impose on you," she drawled. And she murmured her final request, one which surprised Edan.

"So, you have figured it out, have you? Not even I put that together. Yes, I will do my best for you, girl. But you must hurry. I sense he is not well. If he succumbs to her will, none of this will matter."

The spirit left the cave, and Tatum stood in the flickering light which was threatening to snuff out when Lilith's memories came full circle, reminding her of something which she knew was here. He'd told Lilith about it during her time in Hell, and the agreements were made. He'd spoken with a broken heart, but his loyalty had proven stronger than his hate for Adam.

Another answer to the puzzle.

It was brought here by Lucifer, his love for Lilith so strong he knew she could use it against the witch. Tatum's eyes scanned through the shadows, seeking a sign he might have left for her guiding her to where it was.

Then she saw it, a sun carves perfectly into the stone wall, shimmering in the blue light.

The morning sun. Lucifer.

"Thank you," she said on an exhale, before rushing to it, grabbing a flat rock nearby, and she began digging.


The walk to the hidden cabin tucked away in the heart of the forest hadn't been an easy jaunt for Tatum. The land shifts and moves all the time, leaving her bewildered and lost most times. If she were being honest with herself, she found it by accident, but at least she did find it despite the cold rain pouring over her trembling form. Her hair and clothes were glued to her face and body and her teeth chattered, leaving her to wonder if this was how a confrontation should work. She didn't exactly look intimidating, but Tatum had no choice but to face the witch right then, for time wasn't on her side.

Nor was it on Ian's.

Stashing Lucifer's gift in the shadows of the rickety old porch, she eyed the place speculatively. It was fitting that an evil witch live in it. She was more of a shack than a cabin, made of brittle wood, a thatched roof woven with moldy straw, and poorly constructed doors and shutters. The steps leading up to the porch had been startling, but Tatum had done it with fists clenched, fearful she'd fall through the damned thing.

She stood at the door, forcing herself to breathe, telling herself that whether she won or lost, she could face whatever would come for her. She had no choice. This was always in the making. She and the witched were doomed to meet.

"Nothing ventured and all of that shit," she murmured, before taking a breath and lifting the ancient wooden handle.

Heat from an alarming looking fireplace surrounded her as she stepped into the dimly lit cabin, and she spotted Ian at once, his arms tied above his head to a low hanging beam. His longish hair shielded his face from her view, obviously semi-conscious at most. He barely stood, his legs ever threatening to give out beneath him, his bare chest glistening with sweat...

And blood. Cuts marred his chest, shoulders and back, and his shallow breathing was audible over the crackling fire to her left. She inhaled deeply, reminding herself that turning herself over to anger wouldn't help anyone. She had to remain focused now, more than ever, if she hoped to win. She had to wait for the spirit to return, and getting her ass handed to her before the deed was done wouldn't help anyone.

She narrowed eyes shifted then, and met the big, luminous eyes of the witch. She was shrouded in scarlet and mystery, her long black hair hanging around her stunningly beautiful face like a soft cloud. The watch was surprised to see her standing in the doorway, covered in rain, and Tatum used that in her favor. Stepping further into the room, she forced herself to ignore Ian as she gently shut the door behind her. A smile touched her lips as she eyed the witch who reminded dumbstruck at her alter, covered in herbs, a few dishes of blood, and a goblet of water.

"So, we finally met," Tatum said sweetly, even though she knew the sentiment didn't reach her eyes.

The witch blinked, as if Tatum's voice slapped her into reality once more and she lifted her chin defiantly.

"Yes, Lilith. We finally officially meet."

"It's been a long time coming, Eve. A very long time coming."

(What are your thoughts on Eve and Lilith? Who do think is the better woman and why? I prefer Lilith because her only sin was wanting to be treated equal and was drastically punished for it. On the other hand, Eve cursed all of her female children for eternity because of her weak mind. Can't wait to read your answers below! xx MJ)

 Can't wait to read your answers below! xx MJ)

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