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I left the house and went into my car. A familiar boy stepped out the house next to mine. Isn't that Justin? He's my neighbor? I looked at him once more before driving off. Justin. That boy got something special. I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was always on my mind for some reason. Why was he so quiet? Why didn't he have any friends? Why didn't he want me to talk to him? I just wanted to get to know him. He was mysterious. Was I the only one who wanted to figure him out?

"Hey Heaven," Alice said as she sat next to me. "Hi," I smiled.

Justin walked in the classroom and he looked at me. Our eyes meeting for a moment before he went to sit in the back. I noticed Alice was looking at me. I turned in my seat and sighed.

"I know what you're going say. So go ahead," I told her. "Did you just have a moment with Bieber?" She asked. "No, I didn't. He doesn't want me to talk to him." "You talked to him?" She asked surprised. "Yes," I said, nodding my head. "I'm his neighbor." "You are what?!" She almost screamed. People looked at us. "You heard me. But don't worry. He doesn't want to talk to me." She was about to say something, but got cut off by the teacher who had just walked in.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I entered the house and closed the door behind me. No reaction. I went into the kitchen and there was a note on the fridge.

I had to leave town for work. I will probably be back tomorrow by the time you come home from school. You know where to find money if you need it. I'll be back soon.

I laid the note on the counter and took a bottle of water before going upstairs to my room. When I finished my homework, I decided to go to the lake again. Maybe I see Justin again. I put on my converse and left the house. While walking to the lake, I listened to music. The weather was nice. The sun was shining. No clouds. No wind. It wasn't too hot. It was just nice.

I arrived at the lake. I laid down on the grass, still listening to music. Just thinking about nothing. Just relaxing.

Someone blocked my sun causing me to open my eyes. Justin was standing in front of me. I closed my eyes again. "Could you please take a step aside?" I asked him friendly. "Are you stalking me?" He asked, totally ignoring my question. I didn't even bother to open my eyes. "The question is; are you stalking me?" I paused for a minute. "Don't you realize I notice every time you look at me? I know you want to talk to me, but something in you stops you," I said and opened my eyes again to see Justin looking at me. He was lightly blushing. Awh how cute. "Justin, you may not know me yet but you can trust me." I looked into his eyes. Oh my god. His eyes were so beautiful. I stood up. "I'm Heaven by the way," I said and walked away, but Justin stopped by holding my wrist. I looked at his wrist and noticed some scars. Did he cut? Why would he do that? Justin noticed I was staring at his wrist and pulled away.

"Nice to meet you Heaven."


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