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I walked down the stairs and I was about to close the front door when a voice stopped me. I groaned and turned around to see my bitch of a stepmom. The funny thing is, I always forget her name. Why should I know it if I never use it? My dad knows we don't get alone, but he doesn't know I'm mean to her. He don't need to. I looked at the bitch. "What do you want?" I hissed. "Where are you going?" She asked. "None of your business." I snapped before slamming the door shut.

I picked up Charlotte and drove to the mall. "So tell me. Who's that Justin guy?" She asked. We're eating right now. "He's my neighbour." I replied. "That's it?" She asked, looking at me with an I don't believe you look. "Yeah." "You want me to believe that Justin is just a friend, but when he called you, you wanted to go home immediately?" "You don't understand." I sighed. "Then explain. But don't tell me you don't like him. I can see the sparkle in your eyes every time you mention or hear his name." I looked down. "Awh. You're blushing. I knew you liked him. I just knew it!" I laughed. "Shut up." I threw a fry at her causing her to glare at me. "You still didn't tell me about Justin." Charlotte said. "Justin is my neighbour. Everyone at school treats him like he's bad. They even warned me about him, but of course I didn't listen. He's actually nice and sweet." "And you like him." She finished.

I started thinking about what Charlotte said. Maybe I do like him. I'm not sure. But I don't need a boyfriend any time soon. I first want to get to know him better. I only know him for a few days. But I do know that I have a lot of fun with him.


It's Monday morning and I'm walking to school. Heaven couldn't give me a ride. I didn't ask why not, but she gives me a ride after school. I thought it wouldn't be hard the weekend without Heaven. Oh boy, I was so wrong. Heaven makes me smile when I'm down. She just cheers me up and I know she told me to call her when something was wrong, but I couldn't bother her all day, could I? Anyway, I survived the weekend.

I arrived at school and went to my locker, ignoring the whispers and stares. A few people shouted some things, but I just ignored it. I sighed and opened my locker. First English. Two arms wrapped around me making me hiss in pain. "Oh I'm so sorry, Jay." Heaven gasped as she pulled back. "Don't worry." I said, closing my locker and turned to her. She was looking at me with sorry eyes. Like it was her fault I got hurt. I took her hands in mine and looked into her beautiful eyes. "It isn't your fault, so don't blame yourself." I told her. "But you're getting hurt and I can't do anything about it." She whispered. "As long as I have you, I'll be fine." I smiled, making her smile. I pulled her in a hug and hugged her tight even though it hurt. "Let's go to class." I said, pulling away. She nodded and took my hand in hers before walking to class.


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