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I'm at the lake alone. Heaven is probably still sleeping since it's early in the morning. I came here to think about what happened the past few months. I remember Heaven meeting here. She was doing her homework I think. Oh wait. That was the first time we talked. The first time I saw her she was sitting here and she was thinking just like I am right now. When I saw her for the first time I noticed how beautiful she was. It surprised me that she actually talked to me because people told her to stay away from me. I honestly didn't want to tell her what happened to me at home, but since she saw what happened I couldn't do anything but telling her the truth. I felt like I could trust her. Something about her made her special. I didn't really know what until I got to know her. Heaven is my lifesaver. I don't know what I would do without her. I just love her so much.

"I knew you'd be here." A voice said from behind making me jump. I turned my head to see Heaven. "Hi babe." I smiled. She smiled and sat down next to me. "Hello you." She pecked my lips. "What are you doing here so early?" She asked. "Just thinking." "Abouuuuut?" I looked at Heaven. "You." I simple said. "Me?" She said confused. "Yes, you. I'm thinking about how did I ever get so lucky to have a girlfriend like you." I smiled. Heaven intertwined our fingers. "You're so perfect to me." I told her. She blushed and looked down. "Don't hide your beautiful face, gorgeous." "What's with you and all the flirting today?" She asked. "Nothing. I'm just in a very good mood." "I love you, Justin." "I love you too." We started kissing which turned out into a make out session and I somehow ended on top of her. Heaven pulled back from the amazing kiss and started kissing my jaw and neck causing me to moan. You have no idea how bad I want her right now. I pulled her lips back against mine because I was missing them already. I pulled back and pecked her lips once more before going off her. "We should go back to eat breakfast." Heaven said, getting up. I got up as well and we went back home.


"Oh Heaven, can you do something for me?" Mom asked as I walked into the kitchen. "Sure." I replied. "Can you go to the supermarket and get these things?" She handed me a list. "Yeah. No problem." I said and took it. Mom gave me some money and I walked to the stairs. "Justin?" I yelled. "Yeah?" I heard him yell back. "We gotta go!" "Be right there." We walked out the house and into the direction of the supermarket. It wasn't that far away. "Where are we going?" Justin asked. Grocery store." I replied.

After we had everything we went back home. I put everything in the kitchen, but I noticed Justin was still outside. I walked back outside to see him looking at the house where he used to live. "Justin, what's wrong?" I asked. "I don't know, but I'm feeling something bad happened." He replied, not taking his eyes off the house. I looked at Justin and then at the house. I found myself walking to the front door. "What are you doing?" Justin asked, following me. "I'm going to see if someone's home." I said in a duh voice. I knocked on the door but no one opened it, so I just tried to open the door. To my surprise it wasn't locked. "Are you really breaking in?" I heard Justin ask. "It's not breaking in. This is your house." I reminded him.

We checked every room downstairs, but no one was there. We went upstairs. I opened a door and saw it was Justin's old room. I looked around and there were some pictures on his desk. Pictures of him with his mom and dad. They looked so happy.

"Heaven!" Justin yelled. I ran to the room where he was in. His mom was lying in bed and Justin was standing there with tears streaming down his face and a letter in his hands. "Babe, what happened?" I asked worried. "She couldn't handle it anymore. She didn't have any reason to be alive anymore. She killed herself. This is her suicide letter." Justin cried. I pulled him into a tight hug and he just cried on my shoulder. "It's my fault." I heard him mumble. "No, Justin. You can't think like that. It was her choice. C'mon. We need to get my mom." I said and took his hand and went home.


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