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I was at the lake waiting for Justin. My mom wasn't home yet. She texted me saying she would be home later which I didn't mind. I was old enough to take care of myself. At school everyone kept looking at me, because I had talked to Justin. Did they really think I gave a fuck? I didn't believe in rumors and I was not a part of them. I won't spread them. People who spread them have seriously no life.

"Hey Heaven," I suddenly heard, making me jump. I looked up to see Justin. "Oh my god. Justin, you scared me." "Sorry," he chuckled and sat down next to me. "Can I ask you something?" he asked. "Sure." "Why do you actually talk to me? I'm sure everyone told you to stay away from me. They always do that."

I looked at him. "I talk to you, because I want to know you. I don't care what they say. They tell lies. The things they say aren't true. They say you're bad, but you're not at all. You're very nice. What they say will never stop me from hanging out with you." I told him truthfully.

"No one ever cared about me to be honest. They never care," he spoke with so much sadness in his voice. "I care." Justin looked surprised. "You heard that right. I care about you and now tell me what happened last night."

He took a deep breath. "It's my mom and step dad. They hit me for no reason. They would beat me up for fun. They make me do things I don't want to. They make my life hell," he whispered, his voice cracking.

"I don't know if I can handle this much longer. At school, everyone treats me like I'm a criminal. Before you came I had a friend, but he moved and since then they all started treating me bad. They call me names. They would hit me and stuff. I wish they didn't judge people without knowing them. They don't know how much they hurt me. And what you saw last night happens almost every day."

I listened to Justin while tears filled my eyes. He doesn't deserve how they treat him. I only met him a few days ago and I think he's very nice. He isn't bad at all. "You're such a strong boy. You don't deserve all this. You deserve better. So much better. And you're not alone anymore. I'm here. I'm here for you," I promised.

I pulled Justin into a tight hug, causing him to hiss in pain. "Sorry," I apologized, pulling back. "It's okay." "Can I see your bruises?" I asked. He lifted up his shirt. His stomach was bruised. They hit him very hard. He pulled his shirt back down and I took his right hand in my hand. I touched his scars with my fingertips. "You are stronger than this. You are much better than this," I whispered as I looked into his eyes. "I-I can't help it. It's like the only thing that helps me." "Please don't ever do it again," I begged. "I'll try not to," de said. I smiled. "Thank you!" "You want to do something fun?" I smirked. "Of course." "C'mon."

I ran to the water dragging him with me. "Take off your shoes," I told him while taking mine off. I stepped into the water. Justin was hesitating. "C'mon Jay. It's not cold." I giggled. Justin stepped into the water and got splashed by me. His face was priceless. I started laughing and suddenly I was wet as well. "You did not just do that," I said, trying to be serious but I failed. "You should have seen your face," Justin laughed. It was the first I heard him laugh. "You should have seen your face. That was priceless," I said through laughs.

And before I knew it Justin splashed water on me again. "You are so dead!" I yelled and jumped on his back. Justin and I had a lot of fun. We just messed around. The Justin I saw that day was a different Justin I saw at school. The Justin I saw at school was shy and quiet and the Justin I met that day was funny and amazing. Yeah, I had a lot of fun. "See you tomorrow Justin!" I yelled as I was at my front door. "Goodnight Heaven!" He yelled back and walked into his house. I opened the door and walked in with a smile on my face.


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