Chapter Thirty Seven

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Once we were in the house, he began taking off his suit jacket.

"How was your day sir?"

"Could've been better." His voice sounded dark and tired. Did I really want to bother him with what happened with Bryson today?

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's fine, not your fault." He turned to stare at me, I immediately stared down at the tiles. I felt his eyes on me for a while. " Why so stiff? Is anything wrong?"

I wasn't sure how he'd react to the news about Bryson and I didn't want to make the strained relationship with his brother worse.

"Nothing's wrong, why would you think something is wrong?" I laughed nervously. "Hey, do you want to see the setting of the Christmas lights and the unveiling of the tree with me?"

"I'm not a fan." He was suddenly so cold and reserved. He turned his back at me and began walking away. He wasn't stupid, of course he suspected I was lying.

"What are you? The Grinch?" That was a deliberate action just to get him to stay. He'd almost made his way to the staircase and I didn't want to be on the ground floor all alone. I knew he was going to stop in his tracks, he had to. There wasn't a time when Kristopher Lyon had ever let Micah have the last talk.

Yes, using the third person for myself was deliberate as well.

Eventually, when he didn't stop, I called out to him again. "Where are you going?" I glanced at the blue tinted windows just before glancing back at him.

"Sir... please don't go up so early." I requested but if fell on deaf ears as he began climbing the stairs. My eyes found it's way to the windows again. "Mr Lyon-"

"What is it Micah?" He finally stopped. "If you don't trust me enough to tell me what's bothering you why pester me?"

I was silent for a minute, I didn't know how to react to that. He was seriously talking about trust, I should trust him? I'm not even sure if my family had a home.

"... it's not like I don't trust you. It's nothing serious.." I twitched my lips as he looked over his shoulders.

"My psychotic brother coming to your work place displaying acts of violence is not serious?" He scoffed.

I felt my heart fall out of my rib cage as my jaw dropped. How did he possibly find out? My heart beat rapidly as I inhaled bitterly.

"I would've go as far as calling him psychotic-"

"You don't know him. You're not the one who had to live with him for seventeen years of your life. You're not the one who always took the blame for him when he played some sick prank on the helpers. You're not the one who he always carried along whenever he wanted to inflict some sort of pain on our cousin who was less than a year. Yes, people like you would always defend him saying he was just a child and bullshit but a six year old child knows what they're doing setting thier father's library on fire, a nine year old child knows what they're doing when they break the lock of a classmates locker to put love letters and dead animals threatening them. A fourteen years old child knows what they're doing when they sexually abuse a person and pay thier parents colleague to cover it up. A twenty year old knows what it means to kill an individual." He paused, catching his breath and walking down the staircase, approaching me.

He stopped when his face was an inch away from mine. "Bryson has a distorted view of reality and I'm not completely innocent either, I've always known but never spoken out because the one time I told my parents about Bryson, they were skeptical. They blamed me of being jealous of the mentally sick son that they fetishized over"

His beautiful emerald eyes shone with tears that he managed to keep at bay. He stared down at me it felt like he was staring into my soul. His eyes looked so pure and at the same time so pained.

"You were in danger today..I don't know what we are but I know that I don't want to lose you." His voice sounded so sincere and certain, there's nothing I'd have wanted more than for him to close the gap between us.

"I'm going to file a restraining order tomorrow, if you ever see him atleast thirty feet close to you, give me a call immediately, I'll drop everything and come-"

"Why are you doing this?" I didn't wait for him to finish his statement, my voice wasn't any louder than a whisper.

He creased his brows.

"Why are you doing all this for me, sir?" I increased my voice, I couldn't keep it in anymore. "You'd drop everything and come for me? Why?" I stared at him with questioning eyes.

His eyes stayed on mine for a second before he looked away, he looked uneasy as he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a can of beer and gulping it.

"You're not wondering how I found out Bryson visited you today?" His eyes finally met mine again, they looked dark and hooded with confusion.

"Don't try to change the topic." I folded my arms staring up at the ceiling, already feeling frustrated. Kristopher gave me all sorts of mixed messages, and while I'm not saying I want to have a relationship with him, I want to know where we stand, I want to hear it from his mouth that he does care for me because I know he does.

"Y'know I hired a private investigator to follow you and give me reports, you're not mad? You ought-"

"Just stop." I cut his desperate attempt to change the topic. I walked passed the living room and the dining to the kitchen where he stood holding an almost empty beer can in his hand.

For a moment, a split second, I saw an emotion in his eyes, one I thought I'd never see. One I thought he was incapable of feeling. One he'd always bring out of people.


"What are you afraid of?" My hands found thier way to his incredibly cold ones.

"Nothing." He was blunt and precise. I hated the fact that he could lie with such a straight face. The fact that his eyes almost never gave him away. "You're nothing more than an employee to me Micah and I respect you as one. I'd hate for an outsider to be hurt by my family or something from my past, so I'd do everything in my power to protect you. Your family needs you, don't get involved more than you already are. Bryson isn't as harmless as he appears to be." He threw the empty can into the bin. "Once it stops snowing, you're free to leave." He turns his back and leaves.

Once again, I was faced with his broad shoulders and back as he walked away. I kept doing this to myself, pressuring him to come clean only to have him disappoint.

You'd think that by now I'd have learnt my lesson, but no, I was that persistent, annoying bitch that most people couldn't stand.

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