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I collected my stuff and shot them all inside my bag, "I'll go ahead, thanks Loren." I waved before exiting the coffee shop. I was at a meeting with my bestfriend Loren earlier, we had a meeting about a music video I am supposed to participate in.

She said that Leo—our dear friend —has suggested me to do a music video with she said a famous band. But she didn't really told me who it was for, Loren even said I'll get to know them once I arrive at the set. And that will be next week. Right now I have to hurry back to his hotel room, Leo is probably looking for me. I didn't even got the chance to finish my coffee, my feet was desperately rushing its way to cross the road.

I could feel my phone buzzing like crazy inside my pocket, "Can't you wait?" I said to myself annoyingly.

The doors of the elevator were about to close but I immediately went between it. Making it stop from closing and let myself inside. "Sorry." I muttered and pressed the button for the 4th floor of the building. After the ding, I ran my way to the only room at the end of the hall. I gently knocked on the door, waiting for a sign to come in.

"Come in, Lily." I heard Leo said. "You wanted to see me?" Leo looked at me as I made myself comfortable, "Ah—yeah, about the project. The music video, I suggested you to someone."

Leo's a good friend of mine, we've known each other for 5 years now. And counting. "You'll meet them next week, but now here's the concept of the music video. But I can't reveal the band yet. Take a look." He handed out a paper containing all the information about the concept.

The title wasn't included, so I don't have any idea or any clue of who the band might be. Oh, but all I know is that it is a four member band. It could be The Vamps or maybe...One Direction? Well, they were five before. But that's impossible, they've been very inactive for so long.

Oh, what if it's for Matty's band? Leo's also close to Matty so there's no doubt.

The 1975. I love that band, it could be them. Well given the fact that they're four, the idea seems to fit them more. And more likely since Matty's been bugging me about being on their music video. Him and I've been good friends since three years ago when I watched one of their shows. I'll have to find that out next week.

"So, are you in?" Leo sat the opposite of me, us facing each other. I paused, giving suspense. "Say yes, this will be great." Leo was encouraging me, and with that, "Okay, I'm down for it."

His hands clapped together, "All set then, I'll tell the band's music label. You can go now, take care Lily."

The sunny weather of New York was fantastic, these past few days have been really gloomy because of the rainy weather. But it seems to be tamed now, hopefully I don't jinx it. I fetched a cab and hopped inside. "Cornelia Street, please. Thank you." The driver nodded then woke up the engine.

I looked out the window to watch people go on with their lives for a brief second before switching to another then another as the cab passes by. After the twenty minute ride, we finally came to a stop. "Here." The driver nodded as I handed out the money. "Thank you."

I fished my keys out and unlocked the door to my apartment which I share with Loren.

"Home sweet home." A heavy sigh of relief for being home escaped my mouth, I changed into an oversized tee after cleaning myself. Then launched myself on the couch—turning on the television to watch some movies.

It took me about 10 minutes to pick a movie that will entertain me, I ended up watching The Edge of Seventeen. I anticipated the scene where my favorite song had been played—I replayed that bit like two times.

I'm only halfway through the film but my eyelids where already getting heavier, then suddenly everything went black. I just fell asleep.

"Hey." A muffled whisper spoke to my ear, it was a female voice. "Wake up, I can't carry you to bed. Goodness." My eyes opened to see Loren looking annoyed. "Finally, I thought I'll have to splash water on you for you to wake up." She cracked up and walked to the kitchen. The contents of the refrigerator bumping with each other as she opened it quite harshly. Loren chugged on the water as if she's been very thirsty.

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