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The area felt so lonely as I walked down the silent halls of the apartment building, Loren was out to grab lunch with her mother so I was left alone. I already ate. My mom called me earlier, she said that she misses me and heard the news about the music video. Mom's been congratulating me since last night.

It has been a month after the shoot, and the video was released just last night. It's been doing great since it's first hour, but now it was doing extra great especially it trended number 1 on twitter and people are talking about it. I'm excited about the album—it was thriving on the charts, I've been in touch with Matty and the others—let me tell you, they were blabbering about the album. Almost making my ears bleed in the process. The album was great though.

My phone rang, flashing Loren's name on the screen. I put the call on speaker and left it on top of the table. "Lily, I just watched the video. Oh my god, it's fantastic!" Loren was getting all squeal-y with her voice going high pitched.

"We should celebrate it, I'll order pizza later. It's on me. Love you, girlfriend." Loren gave me a kiss through the phone, she's such a supportive friend. We've known each other for years so we're like sisters basically.

I went out for some air and maybe grab a bite outside, it was so hot inside the house. "Should've told me sooner." Leo called me earlier he said that he'll take us out for a mini celebration but turns out he went out with his girlfriend. I guess priorities really comes first. I wonder why's he always busy? If he's not with his girlfriend, he's doing something. As I was living in my reverie, I tripped down a rock—causing me to fall flat on my butt. I just felt my heels snapped broken. What a day. Damn it, should've stayed at home.

"Let me help you." A male voice muttered. Gosh, this is so embarrassing. The man gently held my wrist and guided me to stand up. I didn't looked up, but all I could see was his chest, I didn't dared to look at him. But I could sense that this guy is good looking. Good lord, he's tall as hell. Not to mention, he's got a good scent.

"Are you all right?" He asked, I immediately backed away. This is so embarrassing. How could I be so stupid? I don't think I could face him. "Yes, I'm okay. Thank you and sorry." I answered—while trying my best not to look at him. And have him take a look of my face.

I didn't wait for his response then immediately walked away. It was a struggle, I forgot one of my heels broke. I halted, closing my eyes in annoyance. "Dang it." I took off both of my heels and began to walk again like nothing happened. Let's just play it cool and smoothly, pretend none of this catastrophe happened. Cool.

But then I heard footsteps running after me. Please don't. "Wait!" The man held my hand and whirled me around, I was surprised to see who it was. It was Ross. That added another embarrassment for me.

Out of all the people that can witness what happened earlier, it was him who did. "You can't walk around barefooted, Lily. You might step on some sharp things, it'll cut you." Ross said, his voice was very well modulated. It's attractive, honestly. I'm just being honest...okay?

"Let's take a seat." Ross accompanied me to a nearby bench, "Does your feet hurt?" he began to kneel down and grabbed my left feet with gentleness but I quickly took it back might be dirty. Because I walked on concrete barefooted for like 30 seconds.

I heard him laughed like he knew why I did that. "Wait for me here, okay?" Ross ran towards somewhere, all I can do is wait for him to return. I took my heels and inspected it. Man, I just broke Leo's gift to me. He gave that as a gift last christmas.

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