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Mom handed out a drink for me, "Here." I took the cup and sipped a good amount of the liquid out to my mouth. I was currently with mom to have a celebration for my birthday, just the two of us. "Can't believe you're 27 already. As if you were just born yesterday, I can still recall it so vividly." Mom's face turned soft as she stared at me, her hands traveling to mine then held it with tenderness.

I pulled out my cake from the box and lit it up, my mom and I began to sing 'happy birthday'. As soon as the song ended, mom got up and gave me a big hug. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." Giving me a kiss on the head after. The food was a chef's kiss.

Mom and I talked while eating, and of course—she can't help but flood me with a lot of questions. "So how's work?" She paused and gazed at me. "It's going alright, had a lot of work these past few days. A lot of offers. Which is surprising." I chuckled, opportunities has been coming my way lately. I'm very thankful.

"I missed you." I told her.

"I know, you tell me that every single day." Mom laughed at me as she took a bite. "I kinda do."

Spending this special day with my mom really puts a smile on my face. I love spending time with her, especially that I don't live with her under the same roof anymore and we barely see each other because she also has a life outside being a mother.

"I wish your dad's here." I do too.

My dad passed just last year. He lost the battle to cancer. It's still hard for me. "He would've love to see you celebrate your birthday. And of course, your dad will definitely spoil you." Mom started to wipe a tear that was starting to roll down her cheeks.

"Don't cry." I chuckled, trying my hardest not to tear up. I miss dad.

Mom and I spent another hour with each other, talked about each other's life updates to catch up on each other before parting ways since I had work to do. My photoshoot for a small brand was scheduled today. Ten in the morning.

It was a clothing brand. Which I love, like they're a favorite of mine so I'm obviously excited and thrilled to work with them. My arrival was a perfect timing, I was 20 minutes early from our call time. Which means I still have time to get ready.

One person did my makeup then another one for my hair. They did great with my look honestly. I was wearing one of their dress from their line, it was a beautiful lilac dress that stops perfectly above my knees. It was stunningly hugging my body like it was made precisely just for me.

"You're doing great, hun. Keep doing that." The photographer approved of my performance in terms of posing and that kind of stuff. I was so pressured since I don't think I'm doing enough.

We kept doing that for ten minutes before changing into other clothes, then continued it for another twenty minutes before taking a break. Grabbing something to bite. They ordered a hamburger—A BIG HAMBURGER. It couldn't even fit into my mouth, I literally have to tear it to pieces just so I can eat it without ruining my makeup.

"How long have you been doing this?" Kira, my current makeup artist asked me. "Not that long honestly, just two years." I took a bite of my burger, trying to chew silently. "Two years but it's like you've been doing this for more than that, you're a natural." She was praising me so much, I was so fluttered.

"Oh my gosh. You're too nice." I couldn't help but smile at her comment.

She stopped, then looked like she got reminded of something she almost forgot. "It's your birthday—well, I heard it from my coworkers. Happy birthday, Lily!" Kira was so cheerful about it, this girl is too sweet.

"So sorry for making you work on your birthday." Kira seemed to be guilty about it but I really don't mind, I like working on my birthday. "No—it's alright. I enjoy it a lot." Me trying to assure her which she took really fast.

"Did you celebrated your birthday already?" Her curiosity was showing, she was interested in talking with me. "Yes, I did. With my mom actually, just the two of us." I gave her an endearing smile, "That must be so nice, I always celebrate my birthdays with my mom too."

My work went well, I had Kira as my energy and confidence booster earlier. Which helped me a lot. "Thank you everyone!" I said before proceeding to riding a cab, and my journey to go home began.

"Dress up." Loren immediately blabbered those out right after I stepped a foot in the apartment. I was taken aback, is she gonna take me out?

I gave her a confused look, "What?"

"You're going on a blind date." That made it more confusing. "Excuse me?" I squinted my eyes at her and gave her a 'I-did-not-even-agreed-on-this' look. Why is she suddenly setting me up on a date? A BLIND DATE. Plus it's my birthday. Did she forgot about it? She's going nuts.

She hasn't greeted me. That made me sad.

"I think I will pass on that..." I tried to hide the disappointment in my tone. She didn't seem to notice anything. Loren was unbothered. Or that's what it seems like. Her brows met, forming a V shape in between. "Nu-uh." She objected, Loren smirked.

Then hours later, I found myself in a stunning dress, all glammed up. Loren was busy taking photos of me, "Are you satisfied?" I said with an annoyed tone. "Yes, very much. You'll love this anyway." She gave me a wink.

"Aren't you even going to greet me on my birthday?" I mumbled, and it seems like she didn't even hear it.

Loren cracked up. "That's why you're being all whiny." I rolled my eyes out of annoyance, what is even funny about that? "Stupid, go check your messages. I greeted you at exactly twelve midnight." The center in between my brows formed lines as I frowned.

She did.

"Happy birthday, Lily!" She cheerfully greeted me, making my walls crumble down. I wasn't annoyed anymore, that was all I needed. "Come here, you'll enjoy this night." She assured me, "Plus, you've been single for a long time. It's time to go out and meet some cute guys." Loren smirked. "And I have a cute one just for you."

"I'm not even interested in looking for one. All good." I shrugged my shoulders.

After all the chitchatting, Loren and I made our way outside to the car. She drove me to our destination, it was a fancy restaurant. I've been here before, with Loren—of course. Who else would it be? She's always stuck to me like a gum on my shoes.

"Here you are." We came to a stop, "Do I look great?" I asked with doubt painted on my face. "Stunning." She smirked and was shoving me inside the restaurant. "Have a great night babe!" Then off she goes.

Here goes nothing. I let out a big sigh before entering.

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