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@rass1975 sent you a message.

The notification read on my phone screen, a cheeky smile plastered on my face. Me and Ross had been very in touch with each other ever since that what I call a date.

"Are you busy?" - Ross

"I don't have anything up right now. What's up?"

"Wanna hang out here in the studio? I'll pick you up." - Ross

"Yeah sure, sounds lovely :))"

I turned off my phone and looked myself at the mirror, we had a photoshoot earlier for a magazine. It went really smoothly, and also, Leo took me out to lunch earlier because he felt guilty for not doing it for my birthday. He was away that day. Leo just got back yesterday.

He made it up to me by taking me out. And he also gave me a gift, it was a bracelet with cute charms. Each charms has its meaning, which was really adorable. I have sushi charm, for when I went to Japan with my mom for my 21st birthday. And other more.

I got up and roamed through my closet. Just flopped on some comfy hoodie and tied my hair into a bun. Then got my shoes.

Loren was out for work; it was a Friday morning. She'll return right after her work ends. I got a text from Ross, saying he was already outside. And that made me rush to get out, making sure I locked the apartment before sprinting out of the building.

His beaming face immediately greeted me right after I got out. Ross looked fantastic as always. His hair that ends above his shoulder was down, he usually likes them tied up.

"Let's go?" I happily nodded.

The whole ride was great, we talked and catched up with each other's lives and the days we didn't got to see or even talk to each other. Ross opened the studio's door for me, "After you."

"Guys are out?" I took a sit on a swivel chair.

Ross walked towards my direction and sat on the chair beside me. "Yeah. I was the only one left." I raised a brow.

"Do you have lots to do for you to be left behind here?" I inquired, he looked at me—one side of his lips is slightly lifted up as if he was smiling.

But he didn't answered, instead he grabbed a guitar; it was Matty's. I could tell because I saw him with it once. Ross started to strum a light and sweet tune. I placed a hand under my chin, invested in what was happening.

Then, lyrics full of love and adoration escape his mouth. His voice was captivating, I never really heard him sing that much. It's like it was never showcased. This was my first time hearing it.

It was beautiful.

My heart was pounding as if it wants to escape. The song was unfamiliar, is it a new one?

"Woah, that was some little show back there." Ross laughed after finishing the song. He placed the guitar down and leaned back on his chair.

I did the same. "Is it new?" My head turned to him, who was intensely staring at the ceiling of the room. "Yeah, I wrote it earlier."

Maybe this is why he texted. To show it to me perhaps and get opinions. Was I expecting it to be something else?


"It sounds great. You should finish it. I'd love to listen to it." I said, giving encouragement.

"What is it about?"

I couldn't help but ask.

"Just some unrequited...stuff." He was hesitant. I nodded as a reply.

We both talked for a good minute before silence filled the room. "By the way, Ro—" I didn't get the chance to finish what I was saying when a light knock went on the door.

"Ross?" A female voice called out on the other side of the door. Ross looked at me and mouthed a 'sorry'. He answered the door.

I secretly took a peak to see who it was. She was an unfamiliar face. The woman was tall, had a nice physique. She can totally pass as a model.

She was good looking.

I saw how Ross was engaged in talking with her; their conversation was unknown. His eyes were so focused as his ears were attentive.

A voice in my head whispered, wishing he'll look at me like that. After getting so close with Ross for quite a long time already, I started to feel something unknown but familiar feelings started to burst inside of me. I've felt it before.

I continued to listen, and wait for him.

"Sorry, what was that again?" Ross asked as soon as he returned back to his seat.

I looked at him and flashed a light smile. "It was nothing."

He was easily convinced.

We spent the next two hours browing through his laptop; Ross showed me unfinished projects the band were working on. "This is all a secret. Okay?" He laughed.


He softly hummed.

"Do you like someone at the moment?" I couldn't hold it back. But I was playing it safe.

"That was unexpected. Why?"

"How do you know if you like someone?" I asked, like a teenager having her crush for the first time and having no idea what it's like to like someone.

"If her name is the first one that pops into mind when I think about the idea of liking someone. Or love in general." He simply answered.

"And?" I was asking for more.

"When I can't see anyone else around when she's in sight, and even when she's not."

I nodded. I could see the second one earlier. He was so focused that he forgot I was there.

"Why the sudden questions?" Ross looked at me softly.

"Nothing." I shrugged my shoulders. He didn't seem to believe me but he let it slide.

We spent another hour or two before I decided to finally go home. Ross insisted on driving me home or sending me out but I refused, with an excuse that Loren was nearby and we'll meet up.

Well, it worked.

"Home already?" I asked when I saw Loren was already back from work. "Yeah, it wasn't really that busy." She responded as she scrolled through her phone.

"I assume you already ate. Because I kinda had all the dinner to myself..." Loren scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, no worries. I already did."

I was lying.

After that, I headed straight up to my room and rushed to go for my night shower.

I heard my phone buzzed and second later, a call was coming in. I couldn't open my eyes because the shampoo was slowly making its way towards my eyes.

"Gosh." I said under my breath in an annoyed tone.

I washed my face, and wiped my hands before reaching out to check who it was.

You missed a call from Matty.

"What does this man need?"

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