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⚠️trigger warning⚠️

two years ago...

he didn't know anything except that he was just waking up and was in a hospital. he didn't know how or why he got there. he looked around and saw a few people standing there but he didn't know who they were. they seemed to know him though because they let out gasps and they were crying.

the people rushed over and engulfed him in a hug. he didn't know what to do and he felt kinda nervous as to why strangers were hugging him although two of them did feel very familiar.

"honey, get the doctor please?" the woman said. the man rushed out, calling for a doctor then was back at his side. "sweets, how're you feeling? are you okay?"

"uhh... I'm fine."

just then, the doctor had walked in and was checking up on him. "how's everything? can you tell me your name?"

he thought about it for a while, which wasn't a good sign to the doctor, but then he nodded. "seokjin. kim seokjin."

"good. can you tell me who these people are?" the doctor asked.

seokjin was confused. he wanted to know why he was here in the hospital instead of back at school. how did he even get here?

he looked at the three people, staring hard at the two older people who're crying. he... he knew them. he smiled at the two.

"they're my eomma and appa" he said with a smile on his face. he looked at the smaller guy and didn't recognize him though. "i don't know who he is though. why am i here and where is namjoonie?"

"who is namjoonie?" the doctor asked.

"he's my boyfriend." seokjin said. once he said that, they knew something was wrong. seokjin's father pulled the doctor to the side so he could talk to him.

"sir, namjoonie isn't his boyfriend. he was but the two had a bad break up a while ago." the man said and the doctor nodded.

"seokjin, can you tell me what happened yesterday?" the doctor asked.

seokjin just stared with a confused look on his face. he was trying so hard to think of what he did yesterday. he... he couldn't remember. but, then it all came back to him and he smiled.

"i was hanging out with yoongi and everyone else and then me and namjoon went out on a date that night and just cuddled when we got back to his room." seokjin said as he smiled, remembering what happened last night or...

in reality, two years ago before everything happened.

his father and mother sighed as they looked at him with sad looks.

"seokjin, sweets, sorry to say this but, you and namjoon broke up." his father said.

seokjin's smile dropped as he looked at the man. no. he must be lying right? seokjin would never break up with namjoon. he loves him so much. no... why? what's going on?

"y-you're lying. i love namjoon so much, i wouldn't break up with him or wouldn't want to. what's going on? why am i here? can i call namjoonie please? i-i wanna talk to him." seokjin said, eyes tearing up as he was starting to panic a little.

he didn't like this. why was his father lying to him? it's not okay to play some sick twisted prank like that.

"seokjin, take it easy okay? calm down for me please?" the doctor said but seokjin wasn't listening. he shook his head.

not quite done | namjin Where stories live. Discover now