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the kids running around and playing with their friends or just doing their own thing always calmed seokjin's racing mind down. that's one of the reasons why he love his job so much. his job might be the only thing he likes about his life recently.

the kids love him here and so does the staff. everyone here loves him and things have been really good at work for him.

somehow, work has become his safe place. he feels safe here with these kids who loves him so much. knowing that the kids all smile so big when he walks into work makes him happy.

through all of his pain and suffering, at least there's still a little piece of him that can find it in himself to be happy around these precious kids.

like right now.

"mr.kim!" one of his kids said, smiling as the small boy ran over and hugged him. seokjin just softly smiled as he ruffled the boy's hair. "you're late. i thought you weren't coming."

"ah, sorry... i woke up a bit late." he looked over and saw the teacher who was covering for him and smiled softly at her, mouthing a 'thank you' to her. she smiled back and waved to the class as she walked out, gently closing the door. "alright, jungwon, go sit down for me so we can get started... today's gonna be fun." he said and the boy smiled as he ran over to his seat.

as they day went on, the class did have fun and seokjin enjoyed seeing all of the kids smiles. he had them coloring then he had took them outside where they had done a few obstacle races for some prizes.

it was fun and even seokjin found himself laughing. that was something he hasn't done in a while.

although things doesn't feel like they're getting better, he really does want to work on himself so that he can get back to that happy person he was. he's given up on the thought of ever getting back together with namjoon. it's been 4 years now and he hasn't seen the boy.

truly, all he wishes for is that namjoon is happy with whatever he's doing and who he's with. as much as that pains him to say, it's the truth. he really just want namjoon to be happy even if without him he feels like he has no purpose at all.

"you're leaving?" the owner asked. seokjin smiled at her as he nodded. she's a nice older woman who treats him like her own son. "alright, see you tomorrow then sweetie! call me if you need anything!" she said and for some reason, seokjin felt like that had a different meaning to it.

he smiled nonetheless and nodded. "okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

when he had first applied, she had taken a liking to him instantly and vice versa. the environment just felt so comforting that seokjin just really wanted the job and he was right. the environment is very comforting. it feels so much like home and sometimes it reminds him of namjoon. it reminds him of how much namjoon would love to work at a place like that.

anyways, the whole daycare had taken a liking to him and even the kids. that's how the lady knew she wanted him right away.

she won't tell him but, she also can sense that he's going through a rough time and she just wants him to know that he'll always have a place there and someone caring about him. even if they don't know each other that well.

she can see the looks on seokjin's face when he walks into work sometimes. the puffiness in his eyes which indicates that he's been crying. the way he just be looking so drained.

it honestly hurts her heart to see. she doesn't know what happened in his past but, she knows that she'll show him that, no matter what, she'll love and care for him even if no one else will.

seokjin, on the other hand, doesn't know her thoughts and what she's thinking. he just knows that she's really nice to him. he actually looks forward to seeing her every morning even if he doesn't say it.

as of right now, seokjin made his way outside to see his dad's car. the man had walked over and got in and softly smiled at his dad.

"hey son.. baekhyun would've came and picked you up as usual but he's been out busy all day today so, I'm here." he said and smiled.

"ah, it's okay.. i need to start driving again." seokjin said and even the thought of driving had shaken him up on the inside.

he's been scared to drive ever since his accident. his parents had gotten his car fixed for him and told him that it's there for him to drive it whenever he get ready but he's just been so terrified.

the accident really traumatized him that he even gets scared when his parents or baekhyun has to slam on the brakes. he'll go into this state of panic everytime. he's been trying to get better at it but he don't know how long that'll take.

"no, no, don't rush yourself to start driving if you aren't ready to, sweets." his dad said. "one of us will always be there to pick you up of course."

"i know but, i don't want you guys to have to stop what y'all are doing because of me."

"son, for you, I'll stop anything I'm doing. i don't care as long as my baby's safe."

seokjin felt his heart warm up at his father's words. he really love his dad so much. the man's been so loud and open with his affection recently and seokjin loves it. he doesn't say it to them but it's always what he needs to hear.

he's gotten so much closer with his dad over these past few years and it makes him feel warm and good knowing that his dad isn't really all that strict and cold towards him anymore.

"aish, I'm not a baby anymore!" the man whined.

"but you're always gonna be my baby. i don't care how grown you get." his father said as he smiled over at seokjin. he couldn't help but think about how he could've almost lost his son twice. it hurts his heart so much.

sometimes, his wife will have to comfort him because he'd wake up and cry because he's done had a nightmare about his son not being there. it scares him so much that he'll go to seokjin's room and make sure he's okay in the middle of the night while the man is sleeping.

he knows seokjin hates them always checking up on him even if he won't say it but, they do it so much because they're so scared of losing him.

he would go crazy if he lost his son. he don't even wanna think about him not being here with him.

"can we go get danishes?" seokjin asked, changing the subject. his father chuckled as he nodded and they were now making their way to the cafe close by his job. "also, umm.. i love you." seokjin said, blushing a bit. he doesn't usually say that to his parents.

his father just smiled so big. "i love you too, son. more than you'll ever know."

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