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it's been a little over a week since seokjin hung out with everyone and he's just been so happy ever since. they've been talking a lot more and jimin had even came to see him at his job. he had all seokjin's employees mesmerized by his beauty but jimin is a taken man so he payed them no attention.

he still hasn't seen namjoon but that's okay. he's not too worried about that. he don't want to keep dwelling on past things. everything happened, yes and he regrets it all so much but, there's nothing he can do about it anymore.

if namjoon don't want to be friends with him then there's nothing he can do about that either.

anyways, seokjin was up and in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. he had showered and got ready for work. he just felt like he was so much happier. like how he used to feel before letting all of the popularity in college get to his head.

that's something he'll always regret as well. he let everything get to his head and it cost him namjoon but what's done is done unfortunately and he paid the price for it.

"you're cooking?" he heard and turned to see his dad who was smiling at him. he smiled back and nodded at the man. "it's making me happily emotion seeing you smile again and doing the things you love again."

seokjin saw the man tearing up and just sighed as he smiled, shaking his head. his dad really has become an emotional wreck after everything.

"aish dad, don't cry.. i promise not to be all sad and depressed. what happened is already done and i can't do anything but move on so, that's what I'm doing and it's honestly been going great!" seokjin said as he smiled. "i really miss the guy i was before so, I'm doing my best to bring him back."

his dad just sighed as he got up and hugged him. "I'm actually convinced you love making me cry now."

"maybe.." seokjin said and his dad playfully smacked his arm which caused him to laugh. "i love you though son. so much."

"i love you more."

"woah! seokjin is cooking?" they heard and looked over to see his mom and baekhyun standing there with shocked looks on their faces. yeah, it honestly is shocking because he hasn't cooked in over 4 years now and he used to love doing it like everyday.

he just chuckled and shook his head. "sit down, i'm just about done." everyone had sat down and ate their breakfast then went on about their day. seokjin made his way to work with a smile on his face.

once he got to work, he clocked in and smiled at everyone, making his way to his class. it was kinda shocking to see him smiling so big. all of his coworkers knew that the smiles he'd give were fake. it wasn't necessarily their fault but they just knew that he didn't really care to seem extremely happy at work.

now though, they can tell that smile is genuine. they're happy for him. whatever happened, they're happy.

he saw the owner and smiled at her as he made his way over to her. he hugged the woman which surprised her. "oh! good morning to you too seokjin!" she giggled as she hugged him back. "what's all this for?"

"just a thank you and that i'm very grateful for you." he smiled. "i know you always knew when something was wrong with me but never pushed me to say anything which i'm really grateful for so, i just want you to know that you mean so much to me and i'm thankful for you."

she smiled as she hugged him tighter. "of course i didn't push! it's not my business and i knew you were a good boy so you'd tell me whenever you got ready." she said and seokjin nodded. "just know you always have a job here and i'm always here for you."

"why're you so nice to me?" seokjin genuinely asked.

"do we need to have reasons to be a good decent person?" she giggled and the man blushed as he shook his head. "i also see a lot of my son in you.. he's unfortunately not here anymore which is why i've been so set on like getting you to open up to me because the way you were was the same way my son was and now he's not here." she said, a sad look washing over her face. "aish! enough of the sadness though! get to your class! you have someone waiting in there for you."

seokjin looked at her confused. someone waiting for him? jimin didn't tell him he was stopping by like he did last time so it can't be jimin.

nevertheless, he made his way to his class and smiled when his kids got excited to see him. he saw one of the other teachers covering for him which was weird because he's not late. but then he looked over and saw the last person he expected to see. his eyes went wide as he blushed.

"oh... n-namjoon" seokjin said. "what're you doing here?"

"i umm, i wanna talk to you." the man said and seokjin just nodded, now understanding why the other teacher was in here covering for him. she smiled and nodded at him which he returned the smile and motioned for namjoon to follow him outside which the man did.

seokjin was actually so nervous right now. did the boy want to talk to him to yell at him or to tell him off? he doesn't want that.

once they found a good place to sit, seokjin sat down on the bench and namjoon could just tell he was so nervous. "so... what do you umm, what do you wanna talk about?"

"it's so weird seeing you be so shy and nervous... where's the guy from back in college who was so confident and outspoken?" namjoon asked as he chuckled.

seokjin just chuckled. "honestly.. that person you all knew? that wasn't me. it's a lot to explain."

"i'm all ears.. i'm off work today so i got time to spare."

"but.. what about chanyeol?" seokjin asked, curious about where he's at.

"he knows i'm here.."

seokjin just nodded. of course he knows he's here. namjoon has always been big on communication even for the littlest things so it's no surprise that he told his boyfriend where he was going.

so seokjin explained everything to him. he explained how he let the popularity and everything get to his head and how that fucked up everything for him. he also made sure to explain how that's still no excuse for him to do anything that he did and that that's something he'll have to live with for the rest of his life.

he then went on to explain how he wants to be the person he was before all of that. the nice and loving guy. the nerdy guy. the guy who loves the color pink and loves to play video games.

namjoon sat and listened to everything the man said. a small smile making its way onto his face as he watched and listened.

"sorry, i know that's all a lot to take in but, it's how i really feel deep down inside." seokjin said as he nervously smiled, looking down.

"it's okay, i told you i'm all ears." namjoon said with a smile on his face. it made seokjin's heart beat faster.

his smile is still the cutest i've ever seen.

"enough about me though!" he said, hurrying and changing topic. "you still want to talk to me?"

"oh, yeah.. i wanted to know if you wanted to be friends?" namjoon said, blushing himself. seokjin was shocked at what he was hearing. "it's j-just that.. everyone else has been on really good terms with you and i figured we could be on good terms too. there's no reason for us to have bad blood or anything."

seokjin couldn't believe what he was hearing. the guy wanted to be friends with him again?

he couldn't help but to smile as he nodded his head.

"i'd like that."

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