Chapter 4: Then Came the Yanks, Who Had to ever Say

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December 24th, 2019
The shelter in place warning was taken very seriously by the locals and most if not all people followed it, resulting in little lose from this part of the "war."
The latexes would seem to not spread all that much, mostly staying in the local area.
Military UH-1Y helicopters would be heard flying over the morning after and large buildings were evacuated by the helicopters and a total of 54 civilians were evacuated.
The police department building held well until UH-1Y "Ol' Reliable" would land on the roof and all members of the police department would board and were safely flown to Daytona Beach.

The US military had offically gotten involved.

A immediate and speedy quarantine zone procedure was executed in great speed by US forces and by December 25th, the wall had been completed.

On the same day, the same helicopter that rescued the police department staff, "Ol' Reliable", now named "Ol' Reliable Got Guns" armed with 2 M134 gunpods and a salvo of small rockets would strafe latex ground targets along the main road.

2 UH-1Ys would land on the Thunder Science Co. roof with 2 SWAT teams who would push into the building and rescue any survivors still inside, which would go successfully. The UH-1s departed with remaining TSC staff and the SWAT teams before Ol' Reliable would fire a full rocket salvo on the south side of the building.

Still, no one in Cocoa Beach had ANY idea what was happening, as the US armed forces had yet to tell anyone what they were doing or what their goal was, they just showed up

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Still, no one in Cocoa Beach had ANY idea what was happening, as the US armed forces had yet to tell anyone what they were doing or what their goal was, they just showed up.

(REMAKING) America In.. The Cocoa Beach War (2020)Where stories live. Discover now