I know his family will look nice so I put on a dress. I really don't want to do this. I don't know what to expect and that terrifies me.
I drive a little ways outside of Chicago to his lawyers office. His parents car is already in the lot.
I take my seat next to Catherine and she squeezes my hand.
Marvin Rollins walks in carrying a folder. "Thanks for coming. I'd like to extend my deepest condolences to you at this time. Chase was an amazing guy."
"Thank you Rollins." Todd says softly.
"Lets get started, yes?"
We all nod.
"So, he only has a few wishes and I'll read those to you now."
"The last will and testament of Chase Nicholas Cooper hereby states that his trust fund, cars, apartment and lake house will be left to Kameron Fawley. The belongings in his apartment should be left to his two parents, Todd and Jennifer Cooper. His high school letterman jacket should be given to his older sister, Catherine Cooper. He would also like to instruct his family that Kameron should get to go through his things before they are tossed."
I stare at him. Chase left me everything. The lawyer pulls out envelopes. "He also left the 4 of you letters."
He hands them to each of us. "Any questions?"
No one says anything. We all just sort of stare at our envelopes. Marvin sets paperwork in front of me.
"What is this?" I ask.
"The information to his bank accounts. All the money is yours." He says softly.
I shake my head. "No, no! I can't take all of his money. It belongs to his family."
Todd sighs. "Kameron, take the money. He wanted you to have it and we don't benefit from taking our sons money."
"Its too much! His trust fund hasn't been touched!" I say through my tears.
Jennifer reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. "It isn't too much. You loved our son. Nothing is too much for you."
Catherine has started crying so I lean into her and we cry together.
Marvin sighs. "I'm terribly sorry you guys. I'll leave you. Let me know if you need anything else."
Todd smiles sadly. "Thanks Rollins."
He leaves us alone. I wipe my face. "I can't take everything. I don't want the lake house and you should be the ones to decide what to do with his apartment."
Catherine looks at me. "Sell the apartment. And we'll take the lake house."
I nod. "Thank you."
"Kameron, he wanted you to have it. Are you sure?" Jennifer says quietly.
"Yes. The lake house belongs in your family."
"Do you still want to go up for a little while?"
"If that's okay with you guys."
"Sure. Anything."
I go back to my apartment. I open the letter from Chase, hopeful that I can make it through it.
I take a deep breath, and read.
My dearest Kameron, I hoped you would never have to read this. I'm sorry for whatever circumstances have gotten you to this point.
When I saw you in English Literature 203, I was immediately entranced by you. Since that day I have loved you. I love the way you make my heart race. I love the way your hair smells after you get out of the shower. I love that ratty Bradley sweatshirt you insist on keeping. I love how soft your skin is. And most importantly, I love the way you let me love you.

Romance"I may not gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."