We stare at each other for a long time. The wind picks up and the trees rustle in the yards behind us.
Finally, I gather the courage to ask him about Chase's money. "What do you mean they don't know about it?"
"They don't know Chase had that much money."
"You just said that he got half of his grandpa's fortune and his parents gave the kids a lot of money. So how do they not know about it?"
"Between his parents and his grandpa, there was probably 2 or 3 million bucks."
I cross my arms. "Where did he get the other 3 million?"
"I feel like I shouldn't tell you." He mumbles.
"Tell me now."
"Chase smuggled drugs across borders a few times."
My eyes almost pop out of my head. "Excuse me?"
"Just a few times! He needed some quick cash."
"What the hell does a rich kid need cash for?" I spit at him.
"I never asked what the money was for. He confided in me. I didn't want to betray him."
"I can't use that money! Are you fucking insane!"
He pulls my arm down the path. "People are sleeping." I glare at him. "Its been 4 years since he did it, no one is looking for him anymore. Calm down."
"Well now he's dead so you bet your ass they aren't looking for him."
"Parker, what the hell?"
He sighs. "I know. This was before you guys met. He stopped when you started dating, he deposited the money in small installments and then suddenly there was 6 million bucks sitting in there."
I rub my forehead. "Why didn't he ever tell me this?"
"That isn't really something you bring up to the girl you're dating. What was he supposed to say, 'hey, that necklace you're wearing was paid for because I stuffed weed in my bag on my flight home.'?"
"This is a serious offense. He could have faced jail time!"
"Would you stop yelling?" He pulls me closer to him. "I know its a serious offense, I tried to talk him out of it but he wouldn't listen."
I stand there for a while, not knowing how to respond. "Can we go back to the house?"
I walk a few steps ahead of him the whole way. I don't want him to know that I've started crying.
We walk into the house and all I want to do is sleep but before I reach the stairs, he grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest. He hugs me tightly.
"I'm sorry Kam." He whispers.
I openly sob into his chest.
He rubs my back. "I know."
For some reason my crying is uncontrollable and I wake Catherine. She stands at the top of the stairs frowning.
"What's going on?" She mumbles.
Parker looks up at her. "Just a rough night."
"Come sleep with me, Kam." She offers.
Parker lets me go but guides me up to Catherine's room.
Catherine tucks me in while I cry into my pillow. She walks over to the door with Parker.
"What set her off?" She whispers.
"I told her about the drug money." He mumbles.
She sighs. "Nice goin."

Romance"I may not gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."