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Finally spring break , Matty and I Are Getting Ready To Go Home , as I told him To Stay at my place and bring Chloe , i cant wait to spend time with my bestfriend and his date . As We Plan To Go For an Night Club Tonight Its Gonna Be Fun .. I go to my locker to put my books and grab my keys .. Then i saw Niall , Louis , Liam , Ed and Harry I look Around and Grab Everything i need and Try Not To , Notice as I Go Walk Fast as I can then Harry Spotted Me Shit !! ...

H : Sam ! Wait up !

S : Uh Hey ?

H : Sorry about , Uh Yesterday .. mum was very mad at me that i showed up late ..

S : Harry , I saw You at the Starbucks and at the Ace Club Yesterday .. With Your Friends ..

H : Shit Uh God Sorry I'm So Sorry I know i lie Sam Fucking Lie ..

S : Its f-fine i gotta go ..

I ran fast as he called me i get in to my car and drive home , damn him !
Ugh I LIKED HIM . ugh it happening again .. Why ...why ..

-at home-

I got home as matty text me that he will be here with chloe in an Hour
Then an Incoming Call from daddy

S : Daddy !

T : Hey My lil Princess How Ya doing ?

S : i'm fine , daddy how about you and when will you come back? I miss you already daddy ..

T : Princess , i will be back next week .so we can visit your grandma Jane
And Stay For like an 2 weeks ?

S : Yay !! 2 weeis at doncaster will be fun !

T : Ok princess i have to go now ..

S : Ok Daddy Stay Safe daddy .. I miss you and love you dad !

T : Aww princess , i love my lil rocker
See you soon darlin .. Bye

I hang up and i missed dad so much,
I hope .. My brother is fine where
Ever he is .. I miss them and especialy mom ..


Is she Avoiding me ? , God I shouldn't leave her from the first place .. Ugh
Tonight is An Ace Club Party Which Is Chloe's Advance Party , I dress In A White Shirt , Black Skinnies , and Pair Of Brown Boots . I Had Parked an I see an Ford F-150 infront of mine and It was Samantha's Car .
She is here thank god , i get out and head inside i spot matty and chloe are dancing and no sign of sam
Where is she then an black haired came to me ...

S : Hey Harry ...

H : Oh Its You ...

S : Harry Please , stop being mad at me and look i'm an Slut/ Hooker..

H : Selena Just Please Ok ? I dont Give a Shit Get out of my way  .

S : Hmm Fine See You Later Lover .

She walks away and i reasume finding Sam fuck where she could be ??!!! . i give up and head upstairs then i saw sam finally and she was trying to get away from a drunk dude as i do my move , i grab sam as i punch the guy hard . sam was at my back probably shaking as i put my arm around her waist . and head to the bathroom .

S : Thank You ..

H : No Problem ... Sam

S : That boy was trying to get in my pants ..

H : Well I wont let that guy ..

S : Sweet 

H : Sam Are You Avoiding me ?

S : N-No  .

H : Tell Me Please ..

S : Yes I am Avoiding You .

H : Why ? Because I like you ?

S : Wait You Like Me ?

H : I Uh No Uh ..

S : Harry , Tell me ..

H : Yes I Do ...

S : Hmm Cute But The Reason Why i avoid you it because ... I dont wanna fall for you ...

H : Is that so .. Well just Hang Out With Me then ? Like a Date ..

S : Well You Seem a Bad Boy ,I like Bad boys but , Your Sweet ..

H : Yeah .. So date ?

S : Yes Date Then ..

Hmm well she will fall for me , After all i like her she is perfect .. For me

Few Hours Later , We Dance as Selena Is Watching Shit .. She said she was going to the bathroom as I nod and selena Grab Me . 

But i get off ..

H : What The Fuck Selena ??!!

S : Harry ... I'm so drunk ... You know your kitten is very tips right now ..


S : Fine Then ..

She Storm Out and go own her own as Sam called me we drink a bit but not drunk at all , after the party Matty and Chloe Suppose To stay at Sam's but They Pick To Go at There place to sex it Up .. Matty Barrow Sam's Car as I drive her home ..and walk her at her Door .. She lives in a Condo Like Me Well 2 Blocks From Here . we finally arrived at the door.

S : So This is it ..

H : Samantha , i had a great nice dancing , drinking and get to know each other ..

S : Hmm me too , i find you Flirty ..

H : Its My Style

We both laugh as i came closer , akd she does the same and i kissee her ..
Thank God she Kissed Back . I even Getting Hard Tho .. But Its Cool .
2 mins later we pull and say good night and Good Bye .  i'll see her tomorrow then ..


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