Chapter 1: Florida And College Boys

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I flew to Florida to surprise By, who plays D-1 football for the FSU Seminoles as the star middle linebacker. Wait, you guys don't know who that is. Let me give you guys a huge recap of everything.

By is a nickname for Byron Lopez-Hamada, aka my soulmate and my first* boyfriend. W̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶t̶a̶l̶k̶ ̶a̶b̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶P̶r̶a̶n̶a̶v̶. Long story short, I met By on my first day of freshman year at NYU, because me, being the klutz I am, knocked him over in the hallway. Then I realized I left my basketball bag at the apartment (Yes, I play for the Violets) and forced my brother Ritvik "Ritz" Hariharan to get it. Annaya (big brother in Telugu) passed it to some random ass dude that had Photography after lunch (like me) deciding that if he stole it, he'll beat him up. That random ass dude ended up being By, who also ended up being my photography partner for the rest of the year and the best friend of one of my best friends, Viji's crush, Kento "Ken" Takahashi. (Well, now they're dating) By's from Oregon, and he transferred to NYU for his sophomore year. His and Kento's families decided to surprise them by moving to New York in the middle of their first year in New York.

For my best friends recap, I have two BFFs named Vijaya "Viji" Pavithra-Sudarshan and Natalie "Nat" Damola Brown that I met on the JV basketball team in high school. They've been my BFFs ever since. Viji dropped out of college because she got into the WNBA draft and plays wing for the LA Sparks, the same team where Lisa Leslie became the first woman ever to dunk. Nat graduated early, discovered her passion for veterinary medicine, and works in Jersey as a popular and busy vet. Viji's boyfriend Kento graduated early as well, got into the NBA draft, and also plays wing for the Portland Trail Blazers. 2 wings. A match made in heaven. A bird needs 2 wings to fly. Ooh, I'm quite the writer!

Annaya and I have had 2 best friends since we moved to New York, Scarlett and Sawyer Mitchell. Annaya and Sawyer met in eighth grade, and they instantly became BFFs. They both played tennis together since high school, and both got into NYU's tennis team. Scarlett, his older sister, is an extremely successful fashion designer that's the boss of Akiko, Kento's older sister and Annaya's fiancee. Soy and Nat ended up dating, since they liked each other for a really long time.

And I almost left out a really important part: Scarly and Soy are also members of the Blue Voice.

Right, you guys don't know what that is. The Blue Voice is a secret Indian spy organization formed during the time the British still ruled India, founded by my great great grand somethings. Big flex, am I right? Anyways, the Blue Voice was founded to correct civil rights issues, spy for legal operations and fix any injustices the government chooses to ignore. We've been federally recognized too by the American and Indian governments, and we're on a caliber similar to that of the CIA. We have around five thousand members, which is quite a small amount, but just enough. The Blue Voice is a top secret organization and if anyone finds out about it, they are either forced to join or be executed.

My parents planned to keep this a secret from Annaya and I so we could lead a normal life, but Annaya found out much sooner than me somehow. I got into this shit when I went outside to pick up my ball in seventh grade, and I witnessed my parents and my brother fighting someone who looked like he was in a Shang-chi costume. Sawyer and Scarlett got in on this through a way which I don't know, and By, Viji, Nat and Kento got in on this when they walked in on us tying an NYU student named Cassandra Butler to a chair and interrogating her in the Mitchells' living room. She, under her pseudonym "xxKatzxx", the gossip queen of NYU, posts about all sorts of NYU gossip on her blog, which is super popular at NYU. One of the students' main sources of entertainment, actually. One of her latest blog posts was a fake sex tape of By and Viji, which was actually created through facial morphing software by Rosalani Lopez-Kapalihua, By's horrifically toxic cousin that has an obsessive crush on Kento and was destined to break Viji and Kento up, that was anonymously sent to her through a flash drive that we went dumpster diving for. I can't believe anyone could do such a thing to their own cousin. Ritz found out xxKatzxx's real identity through spy tactics, and we got her and her accomplices arrested and in jail for two years.

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