Chapter 17

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"Oh, how wonderful! I shall reach out right away, and in the meantime, you two can get ready for the ball, this evening,"
"I presumed we were not going to attend Lady Danbury's ball this evening," Anthony questioned.
"Will you be alright to go, my dear?" Violet asks, turning to Grace.
She nodded, and unexpectedly, Grace felt excited to attend.
"Then it is settled. Both of you will show appeal and then begin courting," Violet smiled, clasping her hands together before exiting the room.
"Are you sure about this?" Anthony carefully asks.
"Very. Plus, it is not like I can't put on a fake face for an event, I've been doing it my whole life." Grace spoke, not knowing she was breaking his heart.
Anthony nodded, finishing the conversation.
"How much did you read?" Grace asks after a few seconds of silence.
"I'm sorry I do not-" he shook his head, forgetting about the incident earlier before his mother came into the study.
"My journal."
"Oh," he sighed, "Merely a few pages," he spoke, grasping the journal, and handing it to Grace.
"No," Grace expressed, holding her hand out, "Keep it, at least read through it all."
Anthony paused, "Why would you want me to read something so personal?"
"One, you already read some and 'stole' it. Two, so you know what you're getting yourself into," Grace emitted, leaving Anthony hurt when exiting the study.

Noon was quickly approaching, the Fawns would soon need to head back home to their estate.
"Can't we stay longer?" Ashlynn begged.
"I am with Ash on this one, please," James chimed in.
"Sadly, we cannot, you two have studies to attend to, and I have a ball to get ready for this evening," Grace answered.
"Grace, you must know why we do not want to return..."
"Yes, I'm aware, though I have gotten word from Robert that he will be in Parliament all day," she smiled.
Both the twins sighed in relief, "Thank goodness," James muttered.
"I would do anything and everything to keep you both safe. Please, know that," Grace spoke, drawing them both into a hug.
"We know," Ashlynn murmured.
"We just wish we could do the same for you," James expressed, wrapping his arms around his sisters. An endearing moment between the siblings, only to be soon destroyed in some way as always.

Stepping in the front door of their estate, all three of the siblings witnessed something that would be imprinted into their minds forever.
There laid on the tile floor, their father in a pool of blood, not moving.

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