Chapter 21

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The following week had made its appearance and exams were quick to fall on students desks. There was much anticipation for summer break among the students that they tended to fly through their tests and run right out the door. Well, most of them.

Some studied their hearts out and still hit rock bottom.

Asuka stood in the doorway of the volleyball club room as her senpais went over two of the first-year boys' exams. The two boys in question kneeled in shame as the others changed out of their uniforms.

"It was a huge shock to Yachi-san, too." The girl reminisced on seeing the blonde's teary eyes at Hinata's mishap of an exam.

"Don't feel too bad about it. There'll be other trips, you know..."

"We'll get to Tokyo one way or another." Eyebrows raised as Hinata and Kageyama began figuring out how they were gonna make it to the training camp.

"By the time you run there, we'll be driving home," Asuka said matter-of-factly. The boys' all shifted to look up at her. "The best thing you can do now is study and retake your exams. School is just as important as volleyball."

"But―!" The girl planted her feet and crossed her arms, looking down at the two boys.

"If you can't manage your studies and your club equally, then you shouldn't be on the court." Kageyama and Hinata both looked disheartened at her words.

She had seemingly gotten harsher with the two after what had happened with her brother, but Kageyama accepted it. He'd rather her talk down to him than not speak to him at all. Her stern demeanor relaxed as she leaned against the doorframe. "Then again, if you guys study really hard and are able to retake the exams early in the morning, you might just make it if you can find a ride."

Stars filled the boys' eyes at her revelation, practically begging her with their stare. "Forget it. I'm not asking Yata's parents to drive you. Tough luck." Their spark of hope was quickly diminished as she gazed back outside.

"Oi," Tanaka intervened, "listen up." The shaved spiker went on to offer them their savior: Tanaka's older sister. Though their trip was now secured and they were guaranteed to make it to Tokyo, the hurdle of taking their exams still weighed on Asuka's mind.

Asuka quietly stepped off the bus behind the other two girls plus a crowd of boys who all seemed ecstatic to be in the city. The olive-haired girl had been to Tokyo plenty of times because of her brother already, so she no longer saw the spectacle of it.

Two boys in red tracksuits seemed to be laughing at Karasuno's second-years, cackling absolutely hideously. Even so, she still approached them beside her Captain.

"Hey, by the way," the tall male with dark hair began. "Aren't you missing some people?" Asuka scoffed, drawing their attention to her smaller figure.

"Two of our resident idiots are retaking their exams as we speak." She looked up at the tall boy―at least half a foot taller than her. "I don't suppose we've met." She stuck her hand out for him to shake and watched as his own almost completely swallowed hers whole.

"Well, last time I saw you, you were stomping off like a toddler." The girl narrowed her eyes as Daichi choked back a laugh from beside her. However, he was quick to shut up with a small kick to the shin. "Kuroo Tetsurou. Nice to meet you." Asuka leered up at the cunning man. He seemed to lack hesitation in teasing her and she couldn't tell if he was just a cocky asshole or utterly failing at flirting with her.

"Asuka." She was cautious with her reply, noting the way his brow cocked at the single name. "Just Asuka." The man nodded with his own hazel eyes narrowed with his interest piqued.

"Well, head over to the gymnasium as soon as you're all set," he said as he began walking away. Asuka continued to analyze his somewhat suave personality that she missed during their first encounter. He slyly looked back at them over his shoulder, sending shivers down her spine. "The rest are already gathering there."

Asuka and Daichi stood there for a moment longer before the older male lead her into the school.

"I don't think I like him," she murmured. Asuka's Captain chuckled at the notion, side-eying her as a calm smile settled on his lips.

"He's definitely the irritating type, but he's a good guy. You'll see."

After Daichi left Asuka in the girls' room to settle her belongings, she pulled her thick locks into her usual ponytail and made her way to the gym where she found a ton of boys watching her walk in. Naturally, she made her way to the other female managers and introduced herself. Though the girls naturally welcomed her, she continued to feel the male gaze following her every move. There was no doubt that there were some people in the building that recognized her. She just hoped to avoid a whole fiasco like before.

Asuka then moved back to her team, helping them out with their warm-ups as per usual. She received their spikes, chased after stray balls, and worked harder than she probably had to. In the midst of all the chaos, a ball made its way onto the other court where other teams were warming up themselves. It was as she went to retrieve it that she began to hear the whispers.

"Isn't that...?" Asuka's eagle eyes locked onto a pair of boys wearing dark blue t-shirts. Fukurodani. However, she decided to ignore it, choosing not to rekindle the fire that she had spent the last few days trying to burn out.

"Everybody gather up!" Asuka returned to her court, helping Yachi and Kiyoko put the extra equipment away as the boys got their jerseys and took the court.

"Is everything okay, Asuka?" The olive-haired girl tensed, failing to notice that her own team was watching her as well. She turned to Yachi who seemed to realize that everyone's stares were like pins and needles to the girl.

"Yeah. I guess I'm still not used to being recognized is all." The blonde smiled at the taller girl, taking some weight off of her shoulders.

"I think it's kind of cool. You intimidate them," Kiyoko added.

"Yeah. It's almost like everyone knows not to mess with you." Asuka chuckled at that. She couldn't figure out what wacky scenarios were being formulated in their heads if they thought that these high school boys would want to mess with her.

"I guess that's true." The three all smiled at each other as they made their way to their spots on the sideline. While Kiyoko and Yachi perched themselves right beside the teachers, Asuka made it a point to walk up and down, analyzing the Karasuno boys' every move. She kept mental note of every single way to improve their techniques and shared it during their breaks between games. But after seven losses, it was becoming apparent just how much they relied on Hinata and Kageyama.

In their eighth match, it became especially apparent just how big the gap was between them and a national contender. Fukurodani finished their eighth set against Karasuno 25-16, signalling yet another round of penalty dives for the boys. Asuka wanted to steal Kiyoko's clipboard and smack her own face with it. She knew they needed work, but this was something else.

The doors to the gymnasium suddenly creaked open, revealing a blonde woman with short hair and fierce eyes. And behind her were their two shining stars. Hinata and Kageyama stood in the doorway like two celebrities, waiting to feel everyone's eyes on them and their grand entrance.

"Finally," Asuka chimed in and ruined their moment. "Stop standing there and get to work, slackers! You have points to make up for." The Karasuno team laughed at their manager as she practically threw their jerseys at them. "Do the team diving drills while you're at it."

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