Transitions (Bede x Trans-male Reader)

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im in a Bede simp mood, so how about Bede with an S/O who comes out as a trans dude?



Transitions (Bede x Trans-male Reader)


You've been acting off all week, shying away from conversations, wandering off when you two were supposed to be shopping together, and worse of all, staring into space so often that you barely hear when he's talking to you anymore. At least, that's how he saw it, in reality, you were just thinking.

Many things could go wrong, and that's you fear right now. You're lost in all of those negative thoughts again. Trying to plan out a best case scenario with someone rather unpredictable as Bede is no easy task. His reaction could either make or break your heart, and you are far from wanting to find out which it was going to be. You're brought back to reality to Bede shaking you lightly. He's pissed.



"Finally...I've been talking to you for the last ten minutes. Did you not hear a word I said?"

" I was a little preoccupied thinking."

"Right. I should've expected that. You've been doing that a lot lately. I should be happy that you didn't wander off this time."


"If you're not wanting to spend time with me, don't wait until I'm already dressed and leading you around town next time."

"Bede! It's not like that!"

"I'm going back to my gym to train, let me know when you're done "thinking"."


You know there's no point in trying to argue with him, he's just going to get angrier if you do. The fact that he thinks you're blatantly trying to ignore him is rather ridiculous to you. He knows you really well by now, doesn't he? If anything you had expected him to pester you until he got an answer to why you were acting differently, but there's no point in thinking about that now.

You watch as his figure disappears in the crowd before your mind returns to the negative outcomes that have been tormenting you. At this point, you're feeling like you're going to need help, but that means you have to explain to Hop why you're feeling so anxious. You knew he'd understand though.


"Hey Y/N! How's it going? Been a while since we last talked."

The voice of your dear childhood friend was welcoming to hear, even if it was just over the phone in a video chat. Rotom is steadily keeping it within your ear shot as you continue towards Hammerlocke.

"Yeah, sorry about that Hop, being the champion isn't always the easiest job, especially not lately."

"You're not looking as happy as you did when I last saw you, something happen with Bede?"

"Not yet.-"

"Not yet? Y/N-"

"I've been pretty distant from him lately and he's angry about it."

"Are you not happy being with him?"

"No! I am! But that's kind of what I'm afraid of. I have something important I need to tell him and I'm afraid that might just ruin things altogether..."

"You finally coming out of the closet?"

Your head quickly turns to face your phone with a look of pure surprise. The fact that he could be so perceptive was almost scary.


"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"No, you're half right."

"You're bi?"

"I'm trans."

"Well, thank you for trusting me with that information. I know that it's hard to tell the people you care about in the fears of that they might not accept you for it.-"

"Ugh! Get out of my head!"

" that's why you called me..."

"Yeah, I really don't know how he's going to react and my brain is just telling all of the ways it could go wrong."

"Well, if that does turn out to be the case, not saying it will, I will always be there for you, ok? As for how you could tell him? I'm not sure, my big bro always told me that communication is best face to face, but in your case, that might be a little too difficult to achieve."

".....Back to square one again..."

"I mean, I could tell him if you want. He might not believe me though."

"I'd rather not. I appreciate the offer but I don't think he'd be very happy hearing it from you."

"Fair point. Well, I'm running short on time, my research team is conducting some field experiments today and I need to be there to make sure they don't blotch the results. Talk to you later Y/N!"


"Well, that went as expected at least."


It'd be a few days later until he actually asks you why you've been acting off rather than continuing to be passive-aggressive about it. Though he seems more awkward and extremely tense about it instead. One could only wonder what'd they see by glimpsing into the guy's mind.



"I want to know why you've been acting weird. Am I doing something wrong? It seems like every time we've been out together for the last month you've been just....ugh."

"It's nothing you've done! I've just had a lot on my mind is all."

"You've said that so many times you're starting to sound like a broken record."

"Well... I've been wanting to tell you something for a while, and have just been caught up in all the things that could go wrong if I told you?"

"What did you do?"


"Then what is it? You better have a really good reason for this."

"Well, I guess I could quote Hop and say "I'm coming out of the closet?""

His eyes went wide for a second.


"So you're gay?"

"No! I'm trans."

"That would still make you gay...?"

"Oh shut up!"

"Is that all you wanted to tell me?"


"For god's had me afraid you were going to dump me."

"I've been with you for years! What the fuck Bede!"

"How'd you expect me to feel when you'd been getting so distant?!"

"........I don't know. I'm sorry I didn't really think about it much."

"Well try to be a little more upfront with me next time. I don't have a problem with you being trans. Whatever makes you feel happy is fine with me. Just remind me of your pronouns so I don't end up misgendering you."

Well, that was somewhat painful. Maybe you should've just said it earlier instead of waiting. Regardless, he doesn't seem to care, so long as you're happy in your own skin. Though he did seem to leave out the part that he's trans himself. Wonder if he was just saving you the embarrassment....


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