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In celebration of this lovely moment, here's a double update!!!

Adiras POV:

I chased after Shane, his steps fast and firm. Relaying the frustration he hid well with the blank look.

From the call Severus had picked up, it was evident that something was very wrong. The only thing I could hear from the other side were screams and shouts, but Severus seemed to be talking with a voice on the other side that I could vaguely make out.

Edward had taken his leave soon after, ringing up a few numbers and ordering people around. Whatever it was, I knew that we were in deep trouble. Severus had been on edge and even stationed more than a dozen guards outside my room.

It meant that I wasn't excluded from the matter like the last times. This time all of the people I passed were on edge but none of them forgot to greet me.

Shane stopped in front of the door and opened it for me, I walked in quickly as he closed it behind me, I could hear him talking with men on the other side. From the sounds of it, their were more than just a few men present outside my door and I knew this for sure as I counted the shadows that passed from beneath the door.


2 hours later:

I sat in the room with the gun held in my quivering hand, curled up on myself in fear of suddenly being attacked. Everything was dead silent on the other side yet the shadows remained so I knew the guards were still there.

The atmosphere was filled with tension, my breathing being the only thing I heard clearly. My knees were tucked securely under my chin the gun nestled in my right hand, held firmly despite the shaking.

Just the thought of never seeing Severus again sent fear spiraling inside me, I didn't have anyone beside him. He was the only one I could trust and rely on, the only one I knew wouldn't hurt me or snap at me or even scold me.

He was smart enough to not need words in order to make someone unravel before him. The way he gazed at his target was enough for someone to fall to their knees in front of him. Dark eyes that seemed to be staring into your soul, reading your mind and messing with your thoughts. The look was followed by the quirk of a brow which landed the final blow. He only used it on me if I lied, which I avoided as much as possible, I had nothing to lie to him about.

There wasn't anything that I was sworn to protect or a duty I was supposed to keep up with. The only thing expected from me was to act like a sweet little puppet and give birth to the heir. Something that neither me nor Severus wanted was for our child to be in danger.

The window creaked, drawing my attention to it as I watched the wind rustle the papers placed on the desk. Deciding to divert my mind from the horrifying thoughts, I unrolled from myself, placing the gun beside me before carefully strolling to the desk. Ready to duck under the bed or behind the furniture if someone suddenly decided to barge in.

In front of me lay a beautifully written letter and beneath it their were several manila colored envelopes. From the undone seals, I knew that Severus had already read them and if he left them out then they mustn't have been a big deal. Right?

Shrugging off the thought I picked up the paper and sat down on the couch beside the desk.

Dear Severus,

I know being a new boss must be very hard on you and suddenly becoming a Donna must be very intimidating for Adira, but I want you to continue being strong. You're one of the very few people in this tainted world, that give me hope. A reason to look at the skies and thank the Lord for blessing me with a son like you.

I remember praying harder than I ever had in my life for you to not turn out like your father; and I guess my prayers were heard. I'm happy Adira has you and glad that I can rest assured, with you there beside her, its not likely for anyone to even look at her with wrong intentions. Anyone who's not your father wouldn't even dream of trying what he did.

Edward told me about it and my heart goes out to her, please tell her to hold on. Tell her to keep hoping for a better time because if things can't be good forever, they can't remain bad forever either.


Your mother xxx

I smiled as I thought about Donna, happy to know that she was safe wherever she was. I honestly owed a lot to her for standing up for me while she was here. And even more for raising a man like Severus the way she had, if it wasn't for her I might've ended up in the hands of her husband. Used and then buried into a wall.

I sighed looking at the other envelopes and checking all their labels. Some of them were by Donna while some were from people with peculiar names. However, one letter that fell out from between two folders caught my attention immediately.

In the midst of brown, its white cover made it stand out. Picking it up, I looked to the name of the sender and frowned when I found weird initials instead. EC-M it read. I opened it up and began reading.


We have a bit of a problem on the west border of the land. I have gathered the troops and we unleashed around 20 rounds of bullets and more than half their men are down. But we fear that they might've already shifted the kids to another warehouse.

All of them have been injured and we managed to grab a few of them for interrogation. Since they weren't going to last for long we started the questioning as soon as possible.

There are three main spots in constant use by these men, one is our current location while two other rest within the land of the minor gangs. He's reported to having inner help to supply the children that they held in the warehouses for a few days before selling them to the highest bidder.

The boss had been one of their frequent customers. And the person who would pay for the auctions to be held.

I stopped reading for a minute, feeling sick to my stomach as I imagined young kids being sold to people as slaves to their will. There was no one to protect them, snatched away from their families, beaten, trapped and frightened, they had no hope. And that man was the one behind it all!

I fisted the paper in rage, wrinkling it from the side before sighing in frustration, knowing that I couldn't do anything for them in this state of mind. I continued where I left off after regaining my senses that had been blocked out by anger and disgust.

It appears that they had managed to sell more than 500 children for millions of Dollars within the first year of opening and because of the unexpectedly great profit they continued the business. It had been in working for the past five years, only known by the people who indulged themselves with your father for such hideous acts.

We have spotted a few moles as well and have met up with your spies, so far its a bit stable but undoubtedly dangerous. We have managed to retrieve 57 children from their tents and are inching closer to the warehouse slowly. They're using the children as hostage and under pressure we are having a hard time which is why I wanted to request backup.


I reread the letter with wide eyes and a pounding heart. Could this man be from the military?

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