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I just realized how badly exams had messed up my mind, like at the beginning I could easily update every day. But now, after that break during exam week...ugh! It's like the creativity just died down.
A few days later:

Severus was healing well, he wasn't flinching every time his shoulder moved and he could apply a little pressure on it. Which was a step forward because his previous condition hadn't been as good.

After failing at convincing him to stop working and rest well so he could continue later with renewed vigor, I snuck his laptop out and handed it to Edward. Who did exactly what I had expected of him and had locked it up with his study.

Now Severus was forced to relax and sleep, healing properly with a bit of scolding from Donna. It was funny to see tiny Donna size up these two bulky men. And especially funny when she pulled their ears for being too stubborn.

Easy to say, Severus hadn't touched a single paper since. I had never really imagined that I would have Severus use me as a shield against his mother and that too while running away from motherly affection. True that he was old enough to not have his cheeks kissed as greeting but Donna had resisted the stupid universal rule by reminding him of all the pain a mother has to go through to give birth to a kid and watch that kid grow up and become distant hurts her tremendously.

Mastering the arts of emotional blackmail, she managed to have my husband sit down with her for a good few hours everyday and talk with him about the most random stuff... after greeting him with kisses on the cheeks.

It would drain him tremendously, to sit still and listen but he did it for the sake of his mother. Once Donna realized that Severus had a hard time focusing during their little chats, she had me brought in to distract him further.

Me and Donna would chat then and Severus would snuggle into my neck, holding me on his lap, my back against his chest as he breathed me in. Sometimes, if he felt extra naughty, he'd do something unexpected, like kissing my neck or biting down on the sensitive spots. He was well hidden behind my hair which should've been enough to keep Donna from realizing what he would do that made me jolt.

But each time I reacted like that, squeaked or blushed, Donna would wiggle her eyebrows and smile teasingly. Both my insatiable husband his mother seemed to have a thing for making me blush. Afterwards, I would ignore Severus for his antics and he would do something cute in order to gain forgiveness.

I had nearly fallen off the bed that one time he pouted and batted his eyelashes. He was on his knees on the ground as I sat with crisscrossed legs on the bed. Scowling at him as he tried to tempt me with adorableness. I had given in with ease because he had looked too adorable to simply ignore.

Now after a 4 hour long chat with Donna, both me and Severus lay on the bed. I was below him as he rested his head on my chest and I ran my hands through it. We had abstained from mature acts because of his injury and had come to the compromise of cuddles in its stead. After a while of groaning and trying to change my mind, he gave up and settled for snuggles.

He liked it more than he had thought he would and I refrained from mentioning it because it might embarrass him and he might stop acting this cute. That would be a massive problem for me as Severus had become my only amusement.

He was clad in full black, black jeans and a black button down, the first few buttons were opened. Letting the top of the bandages peek through and remind me not to squeeze him.

Gun training hadn't stopped though, both Edward and Severus had been training me. Along with that Severus had also pushed his arm to stop shaking in pain when he tried shooting with it. I had tried to stop him and so had Edward but both of us had been silenced. Edward with a look and me with an excuse.


He hummed into my chest, turning his head a little to the side as I stared at his long lashes.

"Where is Shane?"

Severus raised his head and looked at me with a furrow between his brows. I rolled my eyes when I read through the look.

"What? Shane's nice."

I defended myself against it as his frown deepened.

"He failed to protect you."

He replied in a low voice that made me shiver a little.

"But it wasn't his fault, Edward called him."

Severus gave me a confused look before dropping his head back onto my chest and resting his head under my chin.

"That idiot of a brother of mine, he's the one mother should be threatening... utterly foolish... he acts like such a kid... so uselessly rebellious."

I grinned to myself as he muttered words against his brother, seeming to forget that I was close enough to hear him out.

"So where's Shane?"

I repeated my questioned when his list of words against Edwards seemed endless.

"Shane is in the faculty, disposing off the bodies."

I nodded, shuddering as I imagined the bloody scene. I had later learned that the gash on Severus's shoulder had come while protecting a child and I showered his face with so many kisses- specially avoiding his lips- that he grew frustrated enough to pull me in for a heated make out session.

His good arm was bent at the elbow, laying beside my head, fingers tangled in my hair as his wounded arm remained laid out straight. After much persuasion had I managed to reason him out of bending it as well.

"Is it over now?"

I questioned suddenly as I remembered the death of the ex-boss.

"Not yet, the person leading the undercover movement wasn't my father."

I stilled at his words as a chill ran through me, could things possibly get worse than being in a safe house which might get attacked at any point? And worst of all, with an injured husband who wouldn't hesitate to rush to your rescue and take every bullet that had your name on it?

My fears stood correct as the sound of a bullet followed by a scream rang through the two story house.

𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚Where stories live. Discover now