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I stared wide eyed at the bodies that littered the floor outside my room, there were around 7 bodies that were bleeding heavily and not even shifting slightly to convey whether they were alive or not. Some of the guards stood by the side, smirking as the man pushed the nozzle deeper into my waist.

Still chuckling to himself from my failed attempt at freeing myself from his terror. After he had entered the room and I had finished staring at him like a deer caught in headlights, I had dove to get my gun and tried to shoot him. I had stared at Edward in dread as the sound of a 'click' resonated around the room but the gun didn't fire.

I had removed the safety and tried to shoot again but another click, without a bullet. My heart dropped as I noticed the bullets held in a bag in Edwards hand. He had removed my bullets.

As we walked down the stairs, the men froze noticing the pickle I was in. A bruise was forming at my left cheek from where I had taken a direct hit, trying to fight off his hold. Fair to say that I hadn't completely stepped out of the daze, and was stumbling along with the ex-boss followed closely by Edward.

"Open the door."

He commanded to the guards standing by the door, they looked horrified as they saw me. One of them reached to draw their guns but was stopped as my husbands father moved his gun to my side.

"We don't want the Donna dead because of you now do you? You won't betray your boss like that, right?"

He mocked with a snicker as the men shared looks. I wanted to say something like: 'it'll be okay' or pass them an assuring smile. But I couldn't manage that over my slow fading conscious. I wasn't sure if I could make it out of this one. The person who had saved me the last time and trained me for fighting was following close behind us. Obeying every thing the man holding me captive was saying.

Not because he was bound to, but because he wanted to. I couldn't wrap my head around the scene that took place in my bedroom. Couldn't get the image of him holding out the bullets as if they were a prize, out of my head. The deadly smirk at his face had relayed his intentions and I knew that he wasn't going to lend a hand. At least not to me.

With reluctance, the guards opened the door and the man chuckled. Pushing me forward and walking out of the estate. Edward got inside a car in the drivers seat while I was forced into the back one. The mans hand firmly tightening around mine in warning if I tried to run.

Once we were on the road, he pulled the gun away from me and sighed. Leaning back, he undid his coat buttons and threw me an unnerving smile.

"Don't worry beautiful, once this is over I'll take proper care of you myself."

I flinched away from him when he reached out to hold my face. His expression hardened as the previously mocking smile disappeared completely from his face. I gulped in fear as he assessed me from head to toe. Still too weak to utter a word, I couldn't exactly get words out because my jaw felt numb.

I knew it wasn't broken because I had tried to move it earlier. The only thing I felt was pain with a bit of relief when I realized that it was still moving. He clicked his tongue in irritation before pulling out his phone.

"I'm sure your husband would love to hear of this."

I froze at his words, looking in the rear view mirror to try and catch Edwards eyes, but he didn't even spare me a look. Instead he continued driving as if he hadn't just helped someone kidnap not only his Donna but also his Sister-in-law.

He put the phone on speaker as the ringtone blared through. It took a minute before the phone was answered. He didn't speak but I heard him panting on the other side, followed by a groan that had me inching closer to the device as if trying to see him through it.

"Awe would you look at that, son? your wife is worried about you."

He mocked with a humorless laugh as the breathing on the other side paused.

"Why is she there father? What have you done to her?"

The man shrugged with a sinister smile.

"Why would you assume that I've done something to her... yet. I've got all the time in the world to make proper use of your wife son. But you don't seem to be fairing well over there, everything okay?"

It was a growl, an animalistic and definitely frightening growl that emitted from the other side. Representing both the pain that he seemed to be in and the Rage. I went to speak up and noticing this, the ex-boss moved quickly, pointing the nozzle to my head and tsking in disapproval.

"I swear father if you dare lay so much as a finger on he~"

"Will my guns nozzle do."

He cut Severus off and everything went silent as we waited for a response. Severus seemed to have frozen up for a while.

"Oh and she might need an ice pack, will you be caring enough to have one sent to my cabin?"

A few rounds of bullets sounded from the other side. Severus cursed under his breath and we heard ruffling on the other side before a whole barrage of bullets seemed to be unleashed.


My husband gritted out, sounding more than just enraged at that moment.

"Nothing much, a hit or two maybe? You need to give these ladies a regular doze of it son, how else do you expect them to withstand an enemies torture? Anyways, enough chitchat. Send a man with an ice pack and groceries to the cabin, you would be wise to not try something. Remember, your precious Donna's life is in my hands."

He laughed like a maniac and cut the call, sending me a malicious grin as I backed into the door. Cowering in fear.

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