Chapter 2: Spilled Coke

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Hey guys. I've decided to continue with story. I hope you enjoy :)


P.O.V - Matt

I turned off the Honda after parking it in front of my house. I roughly got out of the tiny car, wincing when I was reminded of my wounds. "Damn it! Fucking hell!" I slammed the door. The residual anger from the encounter at the hospital fueling me.

"Matthew Scott Rivers! Watch your mouth!" My head whipped around at the sound of my mother's voice. Even as she yelled at me her features looked angelic. Her long honey-brown hair was messily shoved into a bun from sleep. Her pink robe wrapped around her thin torso and her hands tucked under her arms. She always does that when she's pissed. Maybe it's a mom thing.

I glanced at my watch as she continued. It was already 8:30am. "I was so worried! You can't leave a note or maybe text me or maybe get your head out of your ass?!"

"I'm sorry Mom. I didn't realize you'd be so angry." I replied unenthusiastically. "Matthew! I do not need this today! And you took my car! Where would you go at 6:45 in the morning other than school!?" My stomach dropped turning into knots.

"I went to see Shawn, mom..." Her face instantly softened. Her arms reached at towards me as she walked off the porch. She reached me before I could say anything and pulled me tight against her. She was almost a foot shorter than I was, but she still managed to put my head on her chest as she gave the most comforting hug. It's so weird how no matter what, she knew exactly what I needed.

She pressed her lips on my forehead and released me. "I'm so sorry Matty. I made French toast" That silly smirk appeared on her face as she pulled me to the kitchen.

"Mom, let go of my arm." I groaned as she ran into the kitchen before me, latched onto my hand. She let go briefly before handing me a plate of French toast and bacon smothered in syrup. Just how I like it. I sat at the kitchen table as she sat down with her coffee.

"Do you want to talk about it, baby doll?"

"No not really" I replied gently.

"Okay. I'm here when you need me." With that, she stood up and made her way to the sink. She turned the water on and started washing the dishes from breakfast. I finished quickly and slid my plate into the empty sink.

"Thank you, Johnny-Boy. That's what I wanted to do with my morning." She began with a chuckle. "Go clean your grubby little hands. We got to get you to school."

"Nooooo! Please no." I groaned loudly.

"Matt. C'mon. You're already late." She scolded.

I took my sweet time dragging my feet up the stairs. I shuffled into the bathroom to wash my hands, finding a purring Geoffrey. He jumped onto the counter with skill, his long swaying tail behind him. I ran my hand through his gray fur as he arched his back into my hand. "Hello my king." I greeted, turning the water on.

After scrubbing all the syrup off, I dried my hands on my pants and made it across the hall. I skillfully changed my button up for something more suiting.

I slipped my leather jacket over my white t-shirt, grabbing my combat boots on the way out. "Took you long enough. Hurry up slowpoke." My mother appeared behind me and began to lightly push my toward the steps.

By the time we pulled out of my awful parking job, my watch read 9:08am. We made it to school in one piece, mostly because I had to correct my mothers's awful driving skills. I carefully pushed the wheel into a tighter turn to make it around the curb a she pulled to the front door. "Get out. Go do school things. I love you."

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