Chapter 4: I Fell A Little Too Hard

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Oh man. I know these two chapters took forever. But I just got back into writing. And it will probably take me forever to update again. So I'm super sorry. But let's see how you like this one.

     My eyes flicked open. Where am I? This isn't my room. My gaze shifted to the purple drawing hanging on the wall.

     All the memories of the night before flooded my mind. Why did I stay? I should have left. He was just being friendly and caring, but my motives were very different. Why do I even have any motives? I should realize I don't even have a chance.

     "Ughhhhh" my frustrated sigh left my lips.
     "So you're awake. Are waffles okay?"

  "Waffles? Wha-" My eyes snapped open and my eyes found Bobbie's confused face.  "Ohhhh. Yeah. Waffles. Great." I added.

     "Good, because I already made them. They're downstairs."

  "What time is it?" I asked completely forgetting about my watch. "11ish. I think. Who knows?" He shrugged and left the room. I let out a breathe, I didn't even realize that I was holding it.

     His head suddenly popped in the door. "There are towels on the counter in the bathroom. If like you need to shower or something." I looked towards the shower. I smiled and nodded. He left once again and I pulled myself from the large bed. I slowly pushed the already open door into the bathroom.

     Shit. It was just a bathroom, but it was bigger than my own bedroom. I walked to the tiles shower and reached in. I turned the knob for hot water and began to strip.

     I winced as the hot water hit my body. My shower took a total of ten minutes. "Damnnnn." I hissed. I forgot my towel. I would have to leave the shower to reach it. I looked by the door, checking the room. I quickly stepped out of the shower and sprinted toward the door, where the towels were.

     My feet suddenly slipped from under me. I hit the floor with a loud smack. I moaned painfully and crawled to the counter. I grabbed a towel and wrapped myself still on the floor. I laid back, defeated, with an arm over my eyes.

     "Uhmmmmm. You're on my floor. Should I ask?" His voice made my stomach drop. I sat up and gave him a small smile. He reached out his hand to help me up. I grabbed it and I was yanked to my feet. Oh god. My towel. I reached for it, but it hit the floor. I shook my hand free and went for the towel hastily, but my feet slipped again.

     I swung my arms widely searching for somethig to grab. Apparently I found it when Bobbie toppled on top of me. "OH SHIT. I'M SO SORRY!" I scrambled to my feet and helped him up, towel forgotten. "Ow. My arm." He groaned and winced as I loosened my grip. "I'm so so so sorry." I helped him up and led him back to his bed.

     We slowly made it to his bedroom and to the bed. He sat down slowly, his hand still grabbing my shoulder for support. "Are you okay?" I glanced down to make sure his arm was okay.

     When I looked up, our faces were only inches away. I looked into his eyes. They were piercing. I loved the chills that ran down my sides as he slid his hand down my arm. He entangled his fingers with mine keeping our eyes locked. I moved my roaming hands to his hips.

     His breathe caught in his throat as I lowered myself onto the bed. Our bodies were barely touching. I shyly looked at our hands then up to his eyes. I could feel his breathe on my lips.

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