Chapter 3: Alpha Rand

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*Edited 03/25/2016*

November 2, 2028

Rand's P.O.V:

I was in my home office looking over documents for the expansion of my territory. I already ruled the West Coast and moving steadily towards the Mid Coast. Last but not least I will move forward to take over the North East Coast...I have high ambitions.

After all, I have the biggest pack and the most feared...and I want to keep it that way.

Some say I am consumed by money and power, that I will do anything and everyone to take over the other Packs and the whole Country...even killing if I have too to obtain what I wanted. Can't say that they are wrong. What's wrong with wanting wealth, power, land and even women at my disposal... Isn't this the Country of Dreams? That only people high up the food chain get to enjoy everything? The "Sky's the limit" type of life...and that's what I enjoy...that's what I want...that's what I will have. I've worked hard the past eight years   of my life to be where I am...though it was my birth right coming from a bloodline of powerful and feared Alphas. I inherited the position but I also had to prove myself worthy...and I did. I will do what I must to maintain my title and to secure my legacy for my Pack and my future  pups.

Why shouldn't I take over when these pathetic humans don't know how to take care of what they have? They are slowly killing each other off and I say let them...the quicker the better. They are infecting my kind and there is no way in hell they will continue to do so if we have something to say and do about it. 


Looking up from my papers there was a knock on my door. Still reading them I answer."Come in."

Hearing the door open, I hear my assistant clear her throat "Sorry to bother you Alpha, but the Party Planner and Catering people are almost done setting up for tomorrow's party. Would you like to come down and see if everything is to your liking?!" she asked.

Sighing I look up at her putting my papers down "I trust your judgement. Does it look like I would approve?" I asked as I lean back on my chair raising an eyebrow and waited for her response.

"I think you would Alpha...but I would rather you see for yourself." she said staring into my eyes. I trusted her, she always made the right calls and decisions when I ask her, but me being her Alpha she made sure everything went by me regardless.

Staring at her I thought about it for a few...I really didn't want to go downstairs to see how the plans for my Birthday Party where going. I had important things to do up here. But as the Alpha I had to make sure my Party had to be the best.

"Alright...I'll be down there in five minutes." I said giving in.

Showing a small smile she nodded her head "Thank you Alpha." and slipped out the office closing the door behind her.

I swear this would be so much easier if I had a Mate to take care of tedious tasks such as these. She would take care of the household, plan events and parties. Would take care of me and especially my pups. My Luna!

I haven't found my Mate or Luna yet...the search usually begins when you are around 17-20 years old. Some are fortunate to find them between that age and others like me well...has taken longer. I will be turning 28 yrs old tomorrow and still haven't. I've had plenty of women and as an Alpha I can choose who I want, but none of them gave been deemed worthy to be the Luna...

The Luna is very essential to the Alpha and the Pack. She is his equal and she is the one that brings strength to him as well as to the Pack. She is the Pack's mother bringing wisdoms, compassion, and shows love  to those who she comes in contact with.

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