Chapter 6

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This chapter includes Prompt 3 - The wrong outfit is worn

John phoned around to the different hotels and motels he'd settled on in his search. Those that answered without a fuss, and didn't have the information he wanted, were scratched quickly. The others, who refused as policy, he visited personally. At the third name on his list, he managed to convince the manager to co-operate, revealing exactly what he suspected.

Patting himself on the back, John chose to sit on the hotel for a bit rather than barge right in. He had time still, and it was more of a thrill to control the board.


Chase walked back from the take-out, varying his route through lane ways and side streets. The food might be a bit cooler but at least they would get a chance to eat it if he played it safe. The street lights came on and the shadows both helped and hindered. The one shadow that caught his attention. was the nose of a car protruding from the lane beside a dry cleaners shop.

He crossed the street, moving door to door cautiously. Without getting too close, he strained to see if there was an occupant, and was surprisingly rewarded with the flare of a lighter that illuminated a familiar profile. Retracing his steps, Chase went around the block and banged on the rear fire door of the hotel until a narked desk clerk pushed it open and growled his displeasure.

"I have a good reason." Chase bulled inside past the clerk then turned and stared him down. "Was anyone in here asking about your guests?"

"Wh- when?"

"While I was out? You saw me leave."

"Uh- a man came in asking about couples . . ."

"What did you tell him?" His face grew dark.

"I had to, Mr. Chase. He- he--"

"Yeah, I know. We're leaving. If he or anyone else comes back, you know nothing. You don't even know we're gone. You can show them the room, I'll leave your money on the dresser. Got it?"

There was a bobbing of his perspiring head, with hands in surrender, and a vow on his mother's life.

Chase entered the room and immediately Paula began squealing behind the gag. He set the bag on the bed and went to the window. The field of view didn't catch the dry cleaners. He turned back, telling her what was going to happen, and if she started up, her story would end right in this room.

Paula seemed to shrink as she nodded. With the gag out and her hands and feet free, she stood and stretched, rubbing her wrists.

"What happened?"

Chase opened the bag and handed her a cheeseburger and a coffee. "The other me has tracked us down." He opened his own burger and took a large bite.

She held hers out, looking disgusted. "This- this thing is cold."

"Good, you won't burn your mouth eating it. Take it or leave it, when I'm finished we're leaving."

"Leaving? Where are we going? Why do we--"

"If you're hungry you'd better hurry." He popped the lid on his coffee and gulped a mouthful.

She lifted the top of the burger and winced, as she took a small bite. Her coffee wasn't much better, and she rocked her head, exasperated.

"That's it. I'm not going anywhere. This stupid exercise is over."

Chase looked at her with a deadly calm expression. "Your choice. I was trying to protect you but if you don't think you need it, fine. Have a good life, Miss Regan - if you can." He finished his burger and coffee, tossed the greasy paper and cup into a wastebasket, and headed to the door.

"Wait! Where are you going? You can't just walk out."

"Watch me." He opened the door.

"Wait! I'll scream!"

He closed the door. "I can always tie you up again, would that make you happier?" He walked to the bed and picked up the ties.

"No! No I don't want to- why . . . are we really in danger?"

"You will be if you don't come now. I told you someone would be after us, and now they've found us."

Reluctantly, but most certainly averse to the alternative, she grabbed her coat and purse and faced him - meekly.

The back door of the hotel luckily didn't have an alarm, as he had learned earlier, and they took their leave via that exit. Chase went to the side of the building, peering out to the street then beckoned her over.

"We'll hop that fence and leave through the back of that property."

"Hop a fence?" She looked at the tall board construction, mouth slowly opening.

"C'mon." Chase dragged her across the lot to the fence.

"I can't climb that! Look what I'm wearing!" She swept a hand across her attire and gave him a stare. The blouse was creased but still presentable. The skirt was just above the knees and straight. The heels were anything but climbing boots.

He grabbed her around the rump, and in one swift motion, hoisted her to the top of the fence.

"Pivot over and hang on. I'll get over and grab you from the other side."

"Wait, what! Put me- oooh!" Her hands clutched at the top of the boards, and she leaned over, legs swinging up into the air.

Chase clambered over in time to catch her almost upside down, the skirt now well above the knees, arms flailing. He swung her around and stood her on her feet then retrieved her coat and purse.

Paula was mollified, yanking her skirt down and straightening her blouse, her face red even in the dark.

"Put your coat on and let's go."

"Don't I get a second to catch my breath?" She dusted imaginary dirt from her clothes.

"No. Move it."


The taxi was a relief after several more obstacle course manoeuvres, and Paula lay her head back on the seat, eyes closed.

"Sorry about your stockings," Chase offered, guess they aren't much good anymore."

"They weren't designed for climbing through hedges," she snapped back. The cab driver's eyes found hers in the mirror, and she steamed at his grin. "Where are we going now?"

"You'll see."

"The man of many secrets." Sarcasm dripped.

"Pull over at the corner." He told the driver, and when the cab stopped they got out, waiting until it drove off.

"There's nothing here." She observed with annoyance.

"There is now." He pointed to the bus lumbering toward them.

"Is this more of your evasion tactics?"

"Be thankful, Miss Regan. By now the other me has discovered our departure, and will be tracking again.

"Does he have to climb fences and crawl through people's gardens too?"

"He has a car." They climbed aboard the bus and found a seat near the back.

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