Chapter 5

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You could feel your heart racing, mind blurring as you sat up, seeing the world around you turn dark again. Chara was standing in front of you, looking more than pissed.
"I thought we had a deal Y/N. I thought you were going to help me in exchange for going home."
"Y-yeah, but you wanted me to kill things... and at least Nightmare won't-"
"You think Nightmare actually knows where you came from? Where your home is?"
"Well, no, but-"
"Exactly. You need me Y/N. You need me to help you."
Chara began moving closer and it was hard to ignore the burning feeling in your mind, begging you to run. To hide. So, you did. You burst past her and made a bolt for it to the bedroom door, one of the few things still being visible. You could hear her screech in anger as she presumably started chasing after you. The halls of the castle looked pretty much the same, except everything was much darker and harder to see. Every twist and turn felt like it went on for an eternity, and you knew Chara was slowly gaining on you. You ended up running into something, however you couldn't see what it was. It held you tightly whilst tears ran down your face, watching as the demonic girl came into view. Her body was morphed and twisted in all shapes, black ink leaking from parts of her face and body as she crawled closer. 
"Get away from me!" You screamed, only to feel the thing holding you tighten its grip. "Chara!"
She was only getting closer, but before she could touch you, everything went back to normal. She was gone, and the darkness had disappeared. You were panting, heart beating so loud it made your head hurt. Arms were wrapped around you in a tight embrace as a voice kept calling your name.
"Y/N??! Are you ok?!" 
It was an extremely familiar voice. Turning slightly in their hold, you look up and meet Dust's eyes. They were filled with concern and worry, and you couldn't help but feel a little safer. You clung onto his hoodie softly, trying to stop your trembling, but failing miserably. So, Dust started to rub your shoulders in hopes that it would help calm you down.
"Are you ok...?" He spoke more quietly, taking note not be too loud in case it startled you.
You couldn't understand why he was being so nice, but you couldn't care less right now. You were grateful for his comfort; grateful for his care. You tried to say something, anything, but all that came out was a hoarse whisper. You felt weak and embarrassed. You noticed that you were both, once again, on the floor, with Dust awkwardly holding you while you sat on his lap. At least no one else is around to witness this. After a few silent minutes of him rubbing your shoulders and you holding onto him, you manage to tear yourself away from him and back up a little, signalling to the skeleton that you were ready to talk. He moved back a bit too, the both of you now sitting side by side against one of the walls in the hallway.
"I was being chased... it sounds stupid, because I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually real, but it sure felt like it was... she was.. she was so mad at me. I was sure that she was going to kill me."
There was silence again, and Dust seemed to be lost in thought as he stares off at nothing in particular.
"Is that what you couldn't tell me about earlier in the bathroom?"
You merely nodded, causing Dust to give a small, reassuring hum. You held your knees close to your body, not really sure what to do in this situation. You had no idea how Chara is able to interact with you and pull you into her own reality. And, what scared you even more, was that you had no idea if she was able to hurt you in that reality either. She said that she needed to be at least corporeal to interact with people around her, but maybe she can interact with whoever she wants, regardless if she is or not? Maybe she only wants the DETERMINATION and LOVE so that she can become even stronger than she already is? You had so many questions with zero answers.
"I'm sorry for scaring you and, well, clinging onto you for dear life.." you chuckle awkwardly, hoping you didn't make Dust too uncomfortable during your situation with Chara.
"Hey, don't worry about it Y/N, ok? It's not that bigadeal." He shrugs slightly, laughing along with you to help ease the tension. "So... at least this answered my question of where Chara went... hm.. do you think the reason why Frisk is gone is because Chara grew tired of her? And because there was no human to fill in Frisk's role, it kinda just chose randomly?"
You weren't too sure what to say, but you suppose it did make sense. Chara did seem like the sort of person to throw away anyone around her if they suddenly had no use to her. And it was also possible that the universe needed to fill in that role, so they selected a random human and it just so happened to be you. But again, it was only another theory. Neither of you could actually prove it unless you actually asked Chara herself, which you were heavily against. So for now, the most both of you could do was guess and hope to find some answers. You look over at Dust, meeting his eyes for a moment before hurriedly looking away. You clear your throat slightly and try to spark up conversation.
"So, what mission were you given?"
"Eh, nothing much. I gotta go to some random AU and observe the monsters to find out their behavioural patterns. Then, I gotta report back to Nightmare."
"Huh, ok? Weird.. why do you need to do that?"
"Apparently, there's been a huge surge of negativity out of nowhere. So, I guess he wants to find the source of the negativity."
Yet again, you were at the tricky bridge of whether Nightmare was a good person or not. He was clearly evil, but not at the same time? You still weren't sure what his motives were, but with everything going on, he didn't seem like that bad of a person. You slowly stood up, realising you and Dust had been sitting in the middle of the hallway for quite a while. He follows suit, now standing in front of you; both of you looking into each others eyes for a moment. Feeling your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, you quickly turn away.
"Umm, well have fun out there." You whisper softly, hearing him let out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, I'll try. See ya." He gives a small wave before teleporting away in the blink of an eye, leaving you on your own.
You weren't going to lie, it was pretty nerve wracking knowing at any point Chara could pop up and harass you again, but you tried not to think about it. Heading into the kitchen, you spotted a closet, and hoped that it would contain some cleaning supplies so that you could get to work on your chores. And, as luck would have it, you found a broom, a mop and bucket and some other things as well. Time to get cleaning.

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