Chapter 10

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The moment between both of you passed, and for once, you felt at peace. No nagging thoughts telling you how awful you are, no angry father yelling at you, no awful demon child to ruin your mood. Just you and Dust. 
"What AU are we in..?" You finally say, gently pulling off the hospital equipment from your body and standing up, despite it hurting.
"Undertale. It's the closest one to Nightmare's realm." Dust says, helping you walk.
You suddenly grew very concerned. For you to even be in this hospital means that Nightmare and Dust would have had to personally check you in. Which means that any monsters who have seen them would know that they're a Sans. That they're not this worlds Sans. That could be bad.. 
"Hey, what's up? You look down.."
You had to snap yourself out of your own thoughts. It's Nightmare; he wouldn't ever let something like that happen. He's the one who created the rule after all. 
"N-nothing! Do you think we could go back home? I'm starting to get uncomfortable.."
Despite being by Dust's side, you still felt unnerved being in an unknown place while vulnerable. You never know what could happen. You look around the room, now fully grasping that Nightmare was nowhere to be seen.
"Wow, I know Nightmare left to give us some privacy, but I didn't think he would actually run away-" Dust was harshly cut off by a loud explosion outside the hospital.
Immediately rushing over to the window, both of you peer out of it, noticing Nightmare in an intense battle with.... another Sans? You knew it wasn't Classic Sans, as he wore a casual blue hoodie and pink slippers. Whoever Nightmare was attacking appeared to wear golden, almost royal, attire, with a crown sitting nearly upon his skull. Was he some kind of prince? He appeared to wield a bow and arrow, shooting them at the poor gooping mess.
"W-who is that?"
"I'm not sure.. but if I had to guess, he's one of the fuckers Nightmare hates." Dust grumbles, clearly not too pleased with this situation.
You could only watch, hoping nothing grew worse. Dust was visibly shaking, and before you knew it, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out the room, rushing through the hospital and bursting out the front doors.
"Boss!!" He yells out, causing both skeletons to stop what they were doing and turn their attention on him.
"Dust! Get Y/N out of here! Now!! They're after her-" Nigtmare was cut off, an arrow being shot into his face.
His gooping body separated and melted around and over the blue, shimmering arrow. You could practically feel the positivity oozing off of the weapon. Hissing out in pain, the squid demon managed to pull it out of his body, deforming slightly as his magic quickly got to work on fixing himself. The other skeleton, however, spots you, rushing over and kicking Dust harshly in the side, knocking him away. The unknown monster flashes you a quick smile and summons a strange, golden portal behind you; it's destination unknown.
"Y/N, no!" Dust cries out.
But it was too late. They had already pushed you, closing up the portal as you once again felt like you were falling. Golden light surrounded you and it felt as if you were falling forever. You could see strange pieces of paper, each one showing a different scene; a different Alternate Universe. If was, beautiful, almost. You close your eyes for a moment. 
'Who was that..? What just happened..?'
You weren't sure if Dust or Nightmare were ok. You weren't sure why Nightmare was in a fight with the mystery skeleton, or even why you've been sent here. But, just as those thoughts entered, your descent came to a stop, and you lay softly on the golden floor, surrounded by all these AU's. Scattered across the floor were random doodles and art supplies, such as pencils and paint brushes. 
'Do these belong to that odd skeleton..?'
Sighing, you take a seat and wait..... for around 3 seconds before a loud voice echoes around the area.
"Oh wow! Dream actually managed to find you?"
The owner of the voice stood a few feet away, grinning wildly. A large paint brush sat on his back, and he appeared to have a little bit of ink on his face. He appeared really friendly, even if he looked like he was feigning positivity. Looking into his eyes, you noticed that they were two different shapes and colours, which really added to the creative aura that was radiating off of him.
"W-who are you..?" You stuttered out, quite wary.
He seemed to have not heard you for a moment, leaving you wondering if he was able to hear at all. But after a minute, he spoke up.
"Oh, yeah, sorry! The name's Ink! I'm basically the protector of all these AU's!" He spoke cheerily, soon sitting down in front of you.
The atmosphere quickly turned awkward and uncomfortable, leaving you desperately hoping you wouldn't have to stay here long so that you could return to Dust and everyone else.
"You must be wondering what's going on, huh?"
You nod. Ink smirks and pulls out your soul, a shiver running down your spine from the feeling. There was nothing different with it; it was the same grey, transparent soul as always. But, Ink seemed to have something to say about it.
"See, you're an anomaly. And, typically, anomalies are dangerous for normal AU's, as they can unpredictable and harmful. You don't seem that way, thankfully. However, once we discovered you were stuck with Nightmare, we simply couldn't run the risk of him learning things about you, experimenting on you and using you to his advantage. That's why we saved you!" 
You couldn't help but be reminded of how Nightmare had actually ran tests on you so that he could learn more about you, and an ice cold shiver ran through your body. He was just using you...?
"Oh... thanks, I guess.."
Your soul was promptly put back inside your body, and yet again, the atmosphere felt tense. Honestly, you just wanted to go home. Back in your nice warm bed. Tears rushed to your eyes, threatening to fall.
"Everything was going so well in my life.." you whispered, gaining the attention of Ink.
You hoped he wasn't judging you...
"My life was fine.. I had friends, a nice house.. I didn't have to worry about monsters getting in the way..."
Tears ran down your face, and a soft chuckle left you as you smile. 
"It's not fair..."
A pair of arms wrap around your body and hold you close, their warmth easing the pain you were going through. You had been through a lot, and everything that was happening was seriously taking its toll on you. So, you let the flood gates loose and sob in Ink's embrace. He gently stroked your hair, hoping it would help sooth you.
"It's ok... this multiverse is filled with mysteries and tragedies.. but that's alright! Life is unexpected sometimes, and it can be hard to deal with. But if we let that cloud our mind, we might miss out on all the good that's happening as well.." he chuckles a little, seemingly thinking of something amusing. "It's funny, you remind me a lot of myself, ya know? But that's not really important... What's important is that even though you're going through a lot of garbage right now, you're still here; you're still alive... and that's the bravest thing anyone can ever do.."
You manage to pull yourself away from Ink, eyes glazed over. His words filled your heart and soul with a sense of comfort that you'd never experienced before.
"I ain't entirely sure what's happened in your life up until this point, but whatever it is, don't forget..

It's still you!"
You smile, brighter than you ever had. His words, despite being cheesy, kind of helped.
"Thanks Ink.. I appreciate it.." you reply, giving him a small hug.
He mutters a quick 'no problem' before standing up, pulling you up with him.
"I suppose we best get started on looking for the AU you came from!"
"Wait, you don't know yourself where I'm from?"
"Nope!" Ink says cheerfully, earning a face palm from you.
'What an odd guy..'
So, that's what the two of you decided to do.... if it wasn't for the fact that a glitchy white portal opened up besides Ink with a pissed off Error tackling him to the ground.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!? DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND HOW PISSED OFF DUST IS RIGHT NOW?!!!" Error screamed into Ink's face, only for the goofy skeleton to look back at him with a blank smile.
'Man, he really is the embodiment of Head Empty No Thoughts, huh?'
After calming down for a moment, Error clumsily clambered off of Ink, giving him a glare and a chance to actually respond.
"What do you mean Dust is pissed off? As far as me and Dream checked, he shouldn't have an emotional connection to the anomaly."
"Yeah? Well he does, so fancy giving him back before he trashes all of Nightmare's castle?!"
There was silence, Ink yet again in his own head. Before he eventually responded.
"I can't do that." Ink says bluntly with a small shrug.
"Why the fuck not?!"
"I just can't."
"I hate you so much...."
You sigh and roll your eyes, walking away from the situation to see if you can come up with a plan yourself. You fell down wherever Dust originated from, so if you can figure out what his AU is, you can go there, and have a better chance at finding him. It was fool proof.
"H-hey, what AU did Dust come from anyways?"
"DustTale." Ink responds blandly before going back to his utterly pointless 'argument' with Error.
You sigh and quietly creep away, looking around at the thousands upon thousands of hanging pages in the sky. You were probably going to be here a while...... or it could just be right in front of your face. There it was, in all its glory.
'Huh, weird. Almost like this place knew what I was trying to find.'
Without hesitation, you place a hand to it. Only to immediately feel like you're falling. It was familiar, the darkness around you, and it wasn't long before you once again landed on those soft flowers you first fell on. Petting them, you smile a little, not being able to contain the enjoyment you had whilst you were playing Undertale all that time ago. Stepping up, you start heading through the ruins once more, not entirely surprised that it was still deserted and filled with dust. Shuddering, the memories of joyful times once held here filled your mind, and you couldn't help but be engulfed in an awful sorrow. You cared about Dust a lot, and understood why he felt he needed to do what he did, but that didn't mean you didn't feel guilty for the poor lost souls. Upon exiting the ruins, and walking through Snowdin Forest, your mind wandered slightly.
'Will I ever find my way home..? It feels like such a useless quest.. There's infinite AU's.. what if I don't even come from an AU..? Am I really just some random anomaly that just... showed up one day...?'
It was disheartening, to say the least. Hopeless and confused, you stand at the edge of Snowdin Town, flinching when you see a figure sitting in the snow a little bit away from you. A girl... they looked almost identical to Chara, except their eyes were a soft golden colour, and they wore a blue and purple striped jumper. Walking over towards them, you couldn't help but notice the poor girl was sobbing uncontrollably. She was shaking violently, clutching her head as she apologised profusely to no one.
"Hey.. are you ok?"
She paused, sniffling slightly as her eyes meet your own. It was hard not to feel pity for her. But you were still wary.
'The last little girl I trusted turned out to be a demon..'
It was strange, because you couldn't help but be reminded of the players character from the game when you looked at her. Were they the same person?
"What's your name?"
Silence. Could she hear you? Could she speak? Just as you were about to give up though, a tiny voice squeaked out from her.

"My name... is Frisk... and I'm so so sorry that I've hurt you and Sans.."

Till Death Do Us Part - Dust Sans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now