Chapter 6

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You tried your best to ignore this presence, but they seemed quite insistent on sitting besides you. So, with an overly dramatic sigh, you open a single eye, meeting Dust.
"What do you want?"
"Wow, rude much?" He says sarcastically with a roll of his pinpricks, only to smirk a little after. "What's up with you?"
You shrug, sitting up properly so that you could properly engage in the conversation.
"Ehh, nothing, just annoyed Nightmare a bit so I'm on his bad side right now." You exclaim, tapping your fingers against the table subconsciously like you do most times.
Dust merely sighs, holding the bridge of his nose while he shakes his head like a disappointed parent. 
"Wow, I leave you alone for a few hours and you already cause chaos. Tragic." 
You giggle slightly, finding his remark quite funny, which causes a tiny smile to creep onto the skeletons face. Horror, who had just walked into the dining room, was stood staring at both of you with a perplexed expression. It seems he wasn't quite sure how to react seeing you and Dust get along.
"Am I... interrupting anything?" He says slowly, with a slight growl to his voice. You noticed that whenever Horror spoke or even took a breath, he would growl, much like an animal.
Dust's cheeks suddenly turn purple as he waves his hands in front of his face. 
"No! Nothing like that you bonehead! We're just.. talking.." Dust exclaims quickly, only causing Horror to grow more confused.
"Aren't they supposed to be your pet?"
He doesn't respond, side eyeing you a few times. You frown a little.
"So why are you being so nice to them?"
Dust just growls slightly.
"I'm not being nice. I couldn't give two shits about them. I'm just making fucking conversation." Dust spat, glaring daggers down at the dog-like skeleton.
You felt like you had been slapped in the face from those words. It wasn't the worst thing anyone had ever said to you, and you and Dust weren't exactly friends either, but for some reason, hearing him say that hurt quite a bit. Horror seemed to be satisfied with Dust's response and headed to the kitchen to start making food. You couldn't look Dust in the eye, feeling a burning feeling deep within you. Dust also seemed unable to look at you, instead grumbling profanities to himself. It was tense; the air heavy with an uncomfortable feeling. You noticed a few others like Killer and Error enter the room only to tense a little when they notice the anger on Dust's face and the frown on yours.
"What the fuck happened to you two?"
Not a single response. Error just sighs and sits down, Killer following suit. Cross shortly showed up and Nightmare came in not much later. He seemed a little calmer after earlier, but you still couldn't help but wallow in your own guilt after upsetting him so badly. It seems that Nightmare noticed the horrible atmosphere, so he brought it up.
"I want an explanation. Now. And before I hear any excuses, just remember that you're talking to someone who can not only tell when someone has any slight negative emotion, but also feeds off of said negativity."
No one answered at first, but after realising that Nightmare was slowly losing his patience, you decided to take the fault for this as to not get everyone else in trouble.
"It was my fault, Nightmare. I said something stupid to annoy Dust. I'm sorry."
Dust quickly snaps his head towards you, giving you a quick glare and a look that literally said 'what the fuck are you doing?'. You merely shrugged as Nightmare rubbed his temples, letting out a sigh.
"Great. Not only did you ruin my mood today, but you ruined everyone else's too." he spoke coldly, causing you to flinch from his words.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't-"
"I don't care if you're sorry or not Y/N. Go to your room."
"But I haven't eaten..."
"Go. To. Your. Room."
You frown, tears coming to your eyes as you hurriedly make your way to your room, locking yourself in the bathroom. You felt awful and you couldn't help but to berate yourself. If you hadn't of tried to become friends with Dust, he wouldn't have been so embarrassed. If you hadn't of pestered Nightmare, he wouldn't be so pissed off. But you did anyways. You stared with utter spite and hatred at your own reflection, rubbing harshly at your arms and hands, insulting yourself for messing up. Not just with the monsters here but with your family too. If you weren't such a brat, maybe your dad would be nicer to you. If you paid attention in school, your teachers wouldn't get so annoyed. If you had just listened to your mom, she wouldn't be-
You couldn't take it anymore; nails digging roughly into your skin, layers accidentally being taken off as you wallow in your own self pity. However, it didn't last long, because you heard a familiar voice.
"You sure are dramatic. Not much has happened and yet here you are, attacking yourself. Pathetic."
You pause, looking around, preparing yourself to come face to face with Chara. But no one was there. You were thoroughly confused, but decided that you'd rather just hear her voice in your head then have to deal with her in person.
"It's not pathetic, I'm just going through a lot. And I guess the stuff I did to Dust and Nightmare has tipped me over the edge a little...." you mumble quietly, head hung low as you glare at the ground.
Chara merely chuckles, finding your guilt amusing.
"Eh, still pathetic to me.~ Hm, seems like your arms are bleeding. Wouldn't want anyone to see and think you're being an attention whore, so I'd suggest covering them up.~", her soft voice speaks, echoing around your head like a ringing bell.
You couldn't argue with her, because knowing them, they would just think you're being stupid or trying to garner sympathy. So you hurriedly rush into the bedroom and slide on a hoodie. It was stuffie and warm, sure, but at least it hid your accidental injuries. They weren't deep by any means, but it was obvious enough for anyone to know that it wasn't a normal injury. 
"Isn't it sad? You're so incapable of doing anything right. You should have just took my help when I offered it, but instead you decided to go behind my back like a snake and betray my act of kindness. Tsk tsk."
Her words bothered you deeply, and it was beginning to piss you off, so you decided to try and block Chara out my turning on the TV. The only programs that existed were an infinite amount of different MTT shows, which weren't the greatest thing you had ever seen. However, it was better than listening to a demon, so you popped on one of the soap operas and tried to at least be mildly interested in it.
A short while later, you heard the door open and close, alerting you that someone had just came into the room. You knew it would be Dust, so you didn't bother looking over at him, instead choosing to pay attention to the show you were watching. You couldn't bear to see his pissed off eyes and annoyed expression. However, he didn't seem to care too much about that, and spoke up.
"Care to explain why you took the blame in the dining room?"
You stayed silent, unable to look at him, which caused him to get more pissed off. Dust holds your chin and forces you to look at him, eyes glowing menacingly as a soft growl emitted from him.
"Look at me when I talk to you. Now, are you gonna answer me?" His said sternly, no longer trying to be friendly.
"I-I don't know, ok? I could see you were annoyed, so I didn't want you to be even more pissed if Nightmare found out you were the cause for the bad mood..." your voice trailed off towards the end.
Dust merely rolls his eyes and let's go of your face. You weren't sure what exactly was playing in his mind, but you were sure it was nothing positive towards you. He walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
'I just keep messing up more and more, don't I?'
It was a harsh thought, but you knew it was true. You sigh, about to carry on watching TV when you heard Dust's voice from the bathroom. At first, you thought he was talking to himself, which wasn't too weird to do. But you quickly realised that Dust was actually talking to someone else. As far as you knew, no one else was in that bathroom. You were literally in there not that long ago, and not a single sign of life. Not to mention there are zero places for anyone to hide in there anyway. You knew it was wrong, but you couldn't help but go over to the bathroom and press your ear against the door, listening in on the conversation, only to grow more confused by the second. You could hear Dust's voice, but the person he was 'talking to' never responded.
"Yeah, I know. I ain't entirely sure how to feel about them. What if they just use me again like Frisk did?"
There was a pause, and you were stumped on whoever Dust was referring to. 
'Afraid of getting used just like Frisk? What does that mean? Who would even do that?'
"Yeah I guess, but what if they're just being nice to trick me? Lure me into a false sense of security to only fuck me over later? What?! I ain't being precious-"
He then begins arguing with whoever he was talking to, getting quite defensive about his emotions. This lasted a few minutes before he eventually calmed himself.
"Whatever, I ain't getting too attached again. 'K Paps?" 
You freeze. Papyrus? He was talking to Papyrus?
'I thought he was dead?!' you scream to yourself internally, backing away from the door and hurriedly sitting down just as the bathroom door opened.
You look over and pull your best poker face.
"Have fun in there? You were gone a while." You say nonchalantly, not breaking eye contact.
Dust shrugs, not really paying you any mind as he makes his way to his bed, laying on it and closing his eyes.
"Eh, it was about as fun as you'd expect a bathroom break to be I guess." He replies sarcastically.
Now that you think about it, Dust had also spent a considerable amount of time in the bathroom before without actually using it. Does he do this regularly then? Once again, and you were realising this was becoming a common occurrence for you, you were filled with lots of unanswered questions.
"A bathroom break? But I heard nothing go off??" Even though you knew this was dangerous, you figured pressing him for answers would help you understand him a bit more and solve the mystery of whoever he was talking to.
You noticed Dust visibly flinch and tense up, not really knowing what to say to you. He opens an eye, shooting you a steely glare.
"It's nunyabusiness what I did in there, so drop it."
"I heard you talking to someone though.. and shouldn't I know about any potential guests in here considering I live here too?"
He sits up, sighing deeply as he rubs his temples, clearly not best pleased with the situation he seems to have gotten himself in, or, more accurately, you've gotten him in.
"Fine, I was talking to someone. I needed advice." Dust says quietly to himself more than anything. 
You nod, waiting for him to continue.
"This is gonna sound stupid, but I see Papyrus sometimes. Well, all the time. He's constantly around me, talking to me, giving me advice. You know, that sorta stuff. No one else can see him or hear him though, which makes me think I'm going fucking crazy." He pauses, laughing to himself as a deranged look flashes across his eyes for a moment. Composing himself, he continues. "I ain't gonna go too much into detail, but I basically just asked him for help on something. Does that explanation please you? Need me to go into detail about my family history or some shit as well?"
You shake your head, eyeing him carefully in case he was lying. Once satisfied he wasn't, you soften your gaze.
"Is this the first time it's ever happened? Or does it happen everytime you kill him?"
"Since the first time I did it. At first it freaked me out and bothered me seeing my brothers floating hands, head and scarf following me around. But now, it's just normal."
"Do you think he keeps coming back as a phantom to look after you because you're his brother and he still cares for you and wants to help you no matter what?"
Dust falls silent, not daring to look at you. It seems you may have struck a nerve. However, you could see a few tears running down his cheekbones, causing you to hurriedly move over to him, cupping his face with both hands and wiping the tears away with your thumbs. Dust seemed not to care, because before you knew it, he had clung onto your hoodie, sobbing uncontrollably as he aggressively shakes and trembles in the midst of his own sorrow. You tried your best to sooth him, but nothing seemed to help. So, you kept him close, allowing him to cling onto you as he breaks down. You felt awful, not meaning to cause such a strong reaction from the mad skeleton, but you suppose that he's been alone for a very long time with no one to turn to or rant to. No comfort from loved ones and no support while he's mentally breaking. And even worse, having to live with the guilt of killing his brother forever. That must have killed him. So seeing him like this, it pained you. 
It took a little while, but eventually Dust had calmed down enough to stop his crying, occasionally hiccuping or whimpering while hiding his face in your arms that were currently wrapped tightly around him. He looks up at you slightly, resembling a sad, lost puppy.
"Do.... d-do you really think h-he still cares about me....?" He murmurs softly.
It was the first time you had ever heard him so quiet; so vulnerable. You had never heard Dust stutter once, yet hearing it now was very saddening, yet also adorable, and you had to fight with yourself to not die from cuteness at how soft Dust was being currently. You smile down at him, patting his head softly as a dark indigo blush spread across his face.

"I don't think, Dust, I know." You say softly, causing Dust to tear up a little and smile back at you.

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