Chapter 9

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"W-what do you mean?" You managed to stutter out, cursing yourself silently for acting so soft.
Killer merely chuckles, his grin only growing wider as he could tell he was getting to you. You start to sweat nervously, trying to look anywhere other than his inky, black, voids for eyes.
"You know exactly what I mean.~ You two seem to have gotten real close recently... care to explain why?"
You sigh, wanting nothing more than to crawl into a hole and die.
"How embarrassing..~" cooed a voice in your head.
You immediately recognised it to be Chara and growled lowly, accidentally startling Killer as he seemed to notice your sudden mood change.
'Piss off Chara, I'm not in the mood right now...'
"Need I remind you of your little accident?"
You pause, glancing towards your covered up arms, unable to unsee the marks you accidentally made. You couldn't help but feel the guilt and shame eating away at you. Killer, who was done waiting, glares at you slightly.
"Dude, what the fuck is up with you? Why do you keep staring at your arms?"
You were about to respond, but Killer's impatience got the better of him, causing him to reach forward and roughly grab your arms, practically tearing off the sleeves. Silence. Tearing up, you look away from the mad skeleton, feeling your stomach drop.
"Who... who did that to you? Did Dust do that to you?!" He growled out, grabbing your face and forcing you to look at him, causing you to whimper.
Horror must have heard something was up and entered the dining room, only to pause as he not only saw your injuries, but also Killer's aggressive behaviour.
"Answer me!" Killer yells in your face.
It seems he really couldn't control his emotions like some of the others here could. You start to tremble slightly, feeling warm tears now running down your cheeks.
"N-no.. no one h-h-hurt me.." you whisper, only causing Killer to get more pissed.
Horror walked over to the two of you, placing a hand on Killer's shoulder.
"You're scaring them.." the dog-like skeleton mumbles, not taking his eyes off your arms.
You had never felt so ashamed in your entire life, and it certainly didn't help when everyone else started entering the room, to yet again freeze at the commotion between you and Killer. You knew Dust was stood with Nightmare, confused, yet you couldn't even bring yourself to look at them. Shaking, you try to pull your arms away from Killer, only for him to tighten his grip more, your arms starting to turn quite red, and causing yet another whimper to leave you.
"Killer, let go of her." Nightmare commanded, causing Killer to growl more and pull you up to your feet.
"What?! Does this not matter to you?!" He points at your arms, the wounds now re-opened from how harshly he was handling you. 
You finally made eye contact with Dust, only to feel an intense wave of fear wash over you. His pinpricks were gone, no emotion on his face as he watched you and Killer. He seemed conflicted with himself, unsure of how to handle the situation. And yet again, you felt guilty, as if you betrayed him. You wanted to run away and hide, but with Killer's tight hold on you, it made that want impossible.
"I said, let go."
Yet again, nothing. Just as Nightmare was about to take action, Dust yelled out, with pure hatred dripping off every word.
Dust lunged at Killer, knocking him to the ground. Dust was sitting on Killer's chest, hands wrapped tightly around his throat, squeezing the life out of him. You backed away trembling, unable to handle the aura of hate that was emanating off of Dust. There was no sanity left behind his eyes as he squeezed tighter and tighter; cracks echoing around the room. If he wasn't stopped, Killer's neck would be crushed. Nightmare pulls you to his side with one of his tendrils while using the others to pull apart Dust and Killer. Dust was thrashing around within Nightmare's tentacles, still desperately trying to end Killer's life, where as Killer was limp, unable to process what had happened to him as he held his own neck gently, taking deep breaths.
"Y/N, stay in your room. These two will be with me to have a nice little chat." Nightmare practically hissed out his teeth whilst he sent glares towards the two skeletons in his grasp.
You didn't need to be told twice, hurriedly rushing out the dining room and back to your shared bedroom. You couldn't think; you couldn't see with all these tears in your eyes. There were no words to even describe what just happened. What was everyone going to think of you now? Their judgemental eyes have ingrained themselves into your mind, staring at you; hating you.
"That's right, of course they hate someone as pathetic as you.~ Even better! You've caused two people to fight each other because of your mistakes."
You could hear Chara's voice taunting you and laughing at you inside your head, and no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get rid of her this time. You clawed at your head, begging for her to leave you alone, only to receive taunts and insults in response. You couldn't take it, all these feelings becoming too overwhelming to comprehend. You look up slightly, noticing Chara making her way towards you with a knife. Instinctively, you begin backing up, watching in horror as her smile morphs and twists with black ink, ripping apart then coming back together. It was gross and terrifying at the same time.
"Don't give me that look Y/N, I'm only doing what your inner most thoughts want.~ And that's too punish you for being such a useless bitch!~"
She launches at you, kicking your legs from beneath you, causing you to fall harshly on your butt. Her demon eyes burnt a hole through your soul as she relished the fear emanating off you. She crawls over to you, pushing you down onto your back as she takes a seat on your chest, practically crushing you with her weight. Breathing became laborious with her sitting on you. 
"Why so sad? You deserve this. You know you do. Deep down you know you feel pitiful and stupid, stop pretending like you don't want this."
You couldn't even comprehend what she was saying, your mind in a blur as you felt the oxygen in your body running out, no longer capable of taking deep enough breaths to keep you conscious. Chara, however, seemed to notice this, and sat up off of you slightly, long enough to catch your breath, before cruelly sitting on you again, once again crushing you. Your arms were pinned by your sides from how she was sitting, rendering you completely helpless. Chara chuckles to herself, dragging the sharp edge of the knife against your soft, cold cheek.
"I'm going to carve how awful you are into your body until you get the hint.~ You do as I say; you're mine!"
Without warning, the knife was roughly sliced across your arm, causing you to wince in pain. It wasn't the worst thing you had ever felt, but it was still uncomfortable.
"Not painful enough for you? That's ok.~ Nightmare is taking quite a while to talk to Dust and Killer, so you'll be here with me for a long while.~" Chara whispers in your ear with a small giggle before getting prepared to put you through Hell.

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