chapter 6 • rage

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"Laine?" His voice is muffled by my closed door. As soon as I hear my name, I scramble off of my bed, where I have previously been laying for half the day.

The topic of my hours of pondering? It isn't difficult to guess.

I rush to see him, but not before running my fingers through my hair to make it look softer.
A small smile grows on my face and I try my best to hide it before opening the door.

But instead of Spider, I am met with three of the Sully siblings.

"Lainey!" Kiri spots me and crosses the room in a few long strides, "How are you?" She has a joyful expression on her face, but it soon disappears as Lo'ak shoves past her in an attempt to gain my attention.

"Don't I get a hug too?" He smirks at me, his arms open confidently. Lo'ak has always been...flirty with me; I have always treated it as a joke.

I playfully roll my eyes and go on my tiptoes to embrace him. But he swiftly grasps my waist and picks me up off the ground, spinning me in a circle. I let out a laugh.

"Ehem." A purposeful and fake-sounding cough causes our commotion to stop. Lo'ak drops me back onto my feet, and I lean to the left of him to get a look.


He's leaning against a piece of equipment with his arms crossed. His features are dotted with annoyance, with his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. His brown eyes are darkened by an unsaid problem. My brows began to raise in confusion.

Was he not happy to see me?

But as the question fought it's way into my mind, I glance at the position I was in; my small hands resting on Lo'ak's upper arms, and his around my waist. Oh no, it's not what it looks like—

I let go and release a breath I didn't know I was keeping. My face began to glow with embarrassment. I hear Neteyam let out a stifled laugh.

"Sorry, I know you told us to keep quiet, but we haven't seen Laine in weeks. What were we supposed to do?" Lo'ak walks over to the railing, swinging his legs up to sit.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. It's not my fault if you get in trouble for being in here." Spider lifts his hands in a playful surrender, but his demeanor suggests anything but playfulness.

Kiri joins her brother against the railing, and Neteyam follows, leaving me and Spider in silence.

Both of us still stand facing each other, though our eyes do not meet. I'm scared if I do look at him, the moment from last night will evade my mind.

I wonder if he's thinking the same thing.

" weren't at breakfast." He croaks out. I see him wince at the awkward tone of his voice.

"Oh! Right, I slept in." I say with a warm smile on my face. I finally gain the nerve to look up at him, but he keeps his head trained downward, refusing to meet my gaze.

He gives a quick nod. Before I can say anything else, Spider turns away to join the navi teenagers, leaving me standing in the doorway of the room.

That was not how I wanted our conversation to go.

I give my head a curt shake, attempting to rid my weird nervous energy, and join my friends in their conversation.

"...Mom forces us to take her everywhere! I don't understand how she always gets her way!" Lo'ak groans. I can only guess he is talking about Tukitri.

I have never meet little Tuk, but I hear the Sully kids complain about her enough to know I would love her.

"It's a miracle she doesn't want to come with us tomorrow." Neteyam adds, shaking his head while letting out a chuckle, "so what about you? are you coming Spider?" Kiri couldn't look more uninterested, playing with the hem of her clothing.

"Of course I'm coming!" Spider exclaims, his bright smile returning to his face, "It's been a while since I've been down to the streams with you guys."

It's moments like these where I find it's best not to say anything.

The Sully siblings and Spider. That's how it has always been. They spend their days in the jungle —every minute is filled with adventure no doubt. And my place is here. I've felt this exclusion all my life, so I wonder why sadness still picks at my heart after all these years.

My internal frustration must have been evident, because now Lo'ak is cutting me in half with his worried gaze.

"Uh- don't worry Laine!" He blurts out, "One day you'll come with us." I can tell that he thought of that statement on the spot so I wouldn't feel so bad.

I appreciate the generosity none the less.

I place a small hand over his blue tinted one. "Thank you Lo'ak." I offer a small smile.

"I need some air." An angry Spider —who hasn't come out often— has stormed out of the room haughtily.

He has seemed annoyed this whole day.

"I...I'll go talk to him..." I attempt to appear confident as I begin to follow after him.

But the confusion in my tone makes me question if I actually want to do so.


i would just like to say i am SO sorry it has taken me so long to update.

school is taking up so much of my time right now, and i was not sure which direction i wanted the story to go. but, i am back and am going to start writing at least once a week.

thank you all for understanding <3

p.s, i would love to hear any ideas you have for the story !! feel free to comment ;)

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