S e v e n t e e n

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"Do you like Thomas?" He asked nonchalantly. I blinked at him, frenziedly fumbling an excuse inside my jumble of a brain, having no luck whatsoever. My eyes couldn't quite focus on Minho, it's like I had lost control over my body, he must've noticed, because he snatched my wrist, forcing me to look up into his dark, yet noble eyes.

"You don't have to make up any cheap excuse up. I know you like him for sure, I just want to hear it from your own mouth," he said, his words loud and clear, but his intent was nowhere near judgemental.

I stayed silent, only the muffled rattle of the engine audible, giving a deep breath, I somehow found the strength to speak. "I do," I confessed, half-heartedly. "Like, I absolutely like him. I think," I added, shrugging, trying to take it as ordinarily as I possibly could, masking the unsurenesss of my words.

Minho frowned. "The words 'absolutely' and 'I think' don't go together in the same phrase."

I turned towards him, as if he could meet my eyes, and snatched my wrist out of his grip. He gave me a quick peek, his body going back to his position, facing the road before him. I inhaled, and bit my lip, loosening my shoulders, bracing for the impact my next words would have.

"Fine. You know what, mate? I'm in love with him, not only that, I'm pretty sure I can't think of anyone else that isn't him. Is that what you wanted to hear? That I'm absolutely head over heels for your best friend, Tommy?" I vented, feeling like I vomited afterwards, my stomach scrambled.

He gazed at me, dumbfounded, blinking with a puzzled expression, but a sly smile curled his lips. "Well, that's quite a statement." He nodded, raising his eyebrows.

"Mhm," I mumbled, stricken by his unsurprised reaction.

"Geez," he pulled a grimace. "I can't leave you alone with him three seconds and this happens," he teased, but I wasn't quite in the mood for games, of course Minho never seemed to realize it.

I rolled my eyes towards the window and crossed my arms, just in time to see Minho's house, he stopped and jostled the parking brake on as he turned off the engine, his eyes still on the road. The day had turned a dull grey, I heard the faint breeze of the wind whooshing against the car and an occasional snuffle coming from Minho's nose. If the door hadn't been locked, and I wasn't living in his house... I would've probably stormed off the car to avoid such an awkward conversation. Bad luck!

"I'm sorry, I'm not good at these things," he apologized, bowing his head, I really wanted to shrug it off, let it go, but he had to understand it, admitting I liked him wasn't a bloody walk in the park, for God's sake, I felt like throwing up by the end of it!

"I realized," I spat, clearly —maybe purposely—, hurting Minho's feelings.

"Are you okay?" He asked, meeting my eyes, his pupils so deep, I felt like I could drown in them. I shock my head, sighing at his simplicity. He really did go straight to the point, it was sort of sweet that had been his first concern, having so many questions to ask, many of which I probably wouldn't want to answer.

"Couldn't tell it myself," I shrugged, rubbing my hands in between my thighs.

Minho sighed, giving up on trying to get my attention. "Try to, explain it to me... I know how hard it is to-"

"No, I don't think you do," I interrupted, I knew he had no fault whatsoever, and had done nothing to annoy me, but I needed to get it out somehow, and it wasn't a particularly easy task, so I just had to let a strong emotion take it to the surface, this unfortunately, being anger. "You don't know anythin' Minho, you aren't different, not like I am," I frowned, throwing daggers at him with my eyes.

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