The Broken Team

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Nya awaited for their return. Three hours had passed since the last report from them and she was growing anxious. "Are you there? Misako? Kai? Can anyone read me?" Zane spoke through the communicator. A buzz, just a muffed eerie sound of nothingness answered his calls. Zane sighed, "They should be back by now." Cirus commented, wheeling his chair over to Zane. Nya sighed and fumbled with her fingers anxiously, "You think?" She muttered. She walked, slow heavy footsteps towards the two as she stared at the flat line. The communicator was dead. Probably as dead as the hope she still had of ending this insanity.

"We have to find them!" Cole's urgent voice surprised everyone as he hobbled out on crutches. "Cole you should be asleep." P.I.X.A.L motioned, running towards him and extending her arms to stop him from hobbling any further. Cole shook her hand and pushed away one of her arms. "We're not much. I know. But this is way too suspicious! Something definitely happened to them." He reasoned, he hobbled around P.I.X.A.L, she didn't stop him this time. Instead stared on with intense curiosity. "How?" She asked. Cole shrugged unwillingly, "I'm not sure, but when there's a will there's a way!" "It's too dangerous." Cirus argued, rolling his wheelchair forward. "We can't risk anymore-". "Then what can we do?" Cole exclaimed angrily, "What are we ever going to do if we don't ever take risks? We've been taking risks for all our ninja lives!" "Enough!" P.I.X.A.L cried. Sternly yet, angry? Robots could not feel emotion! Startled, Cole and Cirus clamped their jaws shut and stared at the robot, her eyebrows furrowed and her fingers clenched. They remained silent for a few seconds more. The silence deadly and painful. "Arguing isn't going to help." Zane started at last. He walked over to P.I.X.A.L and put his hand on his shoulder. The robot was still angry. She eased a little but maintained her ground.

"Look, I'm sorry P.I.X.A.L." Cole said uneasily, shifting on his crutches. P.I.X.A.L waved him off in a cold 'whatever' motion and walked to the computer. "You are not wrong Cole," she commented working her hands furiously on the keyboard. "An attack to retrieve Misako and Kai is definitely needed." A blueprint of their lair was shown on the screen. Cirus scowled, "P.I.X.A.L..." He began startled. She was supposed to follow HIS orders, and he specifically showed that he did NOT want an attack executed by them. P.I.X.A.L turned to Cole and nodded. "If we want to save our team, we have to start by saving them." "How?" Cirus interrupted curtly, turning to his assistant, "This team is broken, hurt, wounded. We have no one here who can fight with ease and those benders...those benders are psychos." Zane shook his head, "Then we use our brains." He said. The people in the room turned to face him as he spoke. "We know they've got the skill to defeat us, so we need whatever big brains we have to think up a solution." Nya and P.I.X.A.L glanced at Cole and Cirus. Cole nodded, "Alright. Let's get to it." He looked over at Cirus, they all did. Wanting to know if was in or out. Cirus sighed heavily, he tapped his fingers on his wheelchair and nodded. "I'm not entirely sure about this, but it's worth a shot."

"First. We need whoever is able to fight to step up and help. We need all the manpower we can get." Cole started off. The 4 of them, robots and man. Crowed over a hologram, displaying a 3D image of the lair. Cirus nodded, "Then what?" He asked. "The tricky part." Cole motioned, pointing to the entrance. "I bet Kai and Misako got trapped in their lair. The obvious truth is, they just made a blind action walking into the lion's den." Nya cursed under her breath, "Yeah well we're gonna have to do it again. Or else what do you suggest?" She asked, slightly agitated. "We can create a diversion." He answered, he pointed to a rock at the side. A weak point it seemed. A small layer of rock, a weak point in the lair's construction. "Send the earth driller into this corner and let Zane control it." Cole reached for a red button and tapped the area on the hologram. A red arrow pointed towards the weak spot of the liar as an indication for them to remember. "How will we know they're evening in that lair?" Cirus asked doubtfully, he clearly didn't feel like this was a good idea. "We don't," Cole said, shrugging. "It's a gamble." He stepped back with his crutches and hobbled to the other side of the hologram, "This-" he pointed to the elevator "Is where they will come out." "Hold up." Zane said, confused. "You said the earth driller will cause a diversion. Wouldn't they all be at the site where the drill is?" Cole nodded, "Yes. But remember, they're rather smart themselves. Their leader, Lucy isn't going to focus all her men on just one spot. She'll probably send an equal number to the surface to check it out." "I agree." A voice rasped. They turned around to see Jay on a wheelchair, approaching the four of them around the table.

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