Forbidden Love intro - Zayn Malik love story.

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I looked at my clock it was 5 o'clock in the morning. I woke up this time every morning it's part of my daily routine, i put on my running gear at set off. After running around the block and through the park, I decided to grab my usual muffin and hot chocolate. As I ran around the corner into Starbucks not looking where I was going, I ran into someone tall and mysterious accidentally dropping his muffin.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going, let me buy you another muffin" I said not taking no for an answer. As he turned aroung our eyes met they were a beautiful dark brown that left me lost for words, we was dressed smart but casual and very hot.

" Thank you, I'm Zayn" I heard a very husky, sexy voice say.

"Im Victoria and its the least I can do". I ordered and we sat down to wait.

"Actually there is one more thing you could do" I heard a shy voice say so quietly it was almost a whisper.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

"You could give me your number, maybe we could meet up sometime" He said slightly more confident. He reached out his phone and placed my number into his contacts.

"Two muffins and a hot chocolate" the waitress said. I smiled giving him back his phone and collecting our order. I gave him his muffin, and innocently waved him goodbye. I walked home, when I got there it was 7 o'clock. It was the first day back at school and exactly four months till I turn 17. I'd just taking a shower and was about to get ready for school. I put on my high waisted jeans, which my best friend Katie told me complemented my figure. I also wore a low cut vest top and my army cameo jacket. I Reached for my glasses and packed my bag for school. I was a grade A student, Katie told me I made smart sexy, geek to chique, she always knew how to make me laugh.

"Victoria" I heard my mum shout up the stairs. I immediately grabbed my bags ran down stairs grabbed a banana.

"Vic don't forget your driving lesson later" i heard my dad bellow

" I wont dad" I shouted.

"Victoria, remember your dad wants to go car shopping with you, I know you already know what car your getting, but just amuse him" my mother whispered.

"Okay mum, is Lucy ready?" I shouted as ran upstairs to get my little sister and take her to school. After I dropped her off, I carried on walking to school. I was almost there when I heard my name being shouted, I turned around to see no other than Tom Parker. He ran up to me and started walking with me, I sped up. Tom Parker was the schools bad boy and isn't my type. As he approached me, he slug his arm round me starting to flirt with me.

"So Tori you going to the party on Friday?" I didn't answer I was in my own world, I could tell he'd just had an argument with his girlfriend. Tom Parker is the sort of boy who fancies himself, he definitely isn't my type. Tori was what my friends called me.

" Oi Tori Oi Bitch get over here" Katie shouted. I ran over to her as quick as possible, before Tom asked me again.

"Have you heard Mrs Brown quit, rumor has it Toms to blame, We have a sub, Mr Malik I believe" Katie whispered.

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